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Your eyes mean more to me than this world and it's entirety. separate and coalesce, by ERRA

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - hollowmeow


33 / Female / Alabama, United States
Straight / Single
Member since: Sep 29, 2012
Last online: Dec 05, 2013

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

I loove animals and outdoors. I love to read, write and draw. I love anime and manga. I like to feed ducks. I love cats, I like to wear cat ears and am usually a cat for halloween. I looove halloween too. I love to dress up. I love to play video games. I love to meditate. I love Astrology and read my horoscope. I love the moon and do stare at it. I like to sit on rooftops and stargaze. I like to garden. I like to cook/bake. I know how to do things by myself, but do prefer to be around people sometimes. I like to catch lightening bugs. I am not afraid of snakes and like to hold them. I have a pet bearded dragon named Bentley. I have a cat at my mom's house named Lilith. I don't live with my parents. I like to hike. I like to go on adventures and explore. I would love to travel. I am kind of morbid sometimes. I say things you wouldn't expect, a lot.  I like parks, and roller coasters. I have my own beliefs that I have gotten from Buddhism, Wicca, Hinduism, and Satanism.

Favourite Music

I like all kinds, besides country and gospel. I really like classical (ex: Beethoven) and techno-y music right now.

Favourite Films / TV / Books

My favorite movie is Queen of the Damned. I like all kinds of movies, horror, sci-fi, comedy, romance. But I don't like to watch tv or movies much, I don't think it's healthy to watch too much. (I just am too aware of radiation) I like anime and family guy when I do watch tv tho. I looove books. I have been mostly reading nonfiiction and random encyclopedias I find interesting. I like paranormal and spiritual books. I used to read a lot of fantasy and romance.

Education / Occupation

About to enroll into cosmetology school. Hopefully about to intern at an animal preserve.

Who I'd Like To Meet

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Nov 09 2018, 01:17 PM
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- my halloween costume xD

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- recent modeling photo

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- Before the Haunted trail

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- Me on the left, haunted trail :)

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- a modeling attempt

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- me

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Oct 26 2012, 07:38 AM
Attention fellow Americans, I have thought this many a times but have not put it into words. Thankfully someone else has: In the words of Brittany Creek. "I’ve thought and thought about the world ending this year and all the theories i've heard from people talking about it.. and I never expressed my thoughts about it until now. This is not religious or form fitting in any way. judge me if you want, it won’t change shit about my beliefs. But i want to enlighten you. I want people with eyes to see the truth. I was driving down the road today, thinking about the true definition of peace and trying to grasp what world peace would be like. Then I thought about it… Money. I’ve always hated money. Always. I never thought money brought happiness and i knew it was the cause of many problems.. But think about it.. Peace does not exist on earth, anymore. It is an idea created by the creation of humanity itself. It must have been pretty damn peaceful, before humans existed, when the only thing walking this earth was animals. Do you think animals were fighting wars? And even if they did, did they feel any pain when they lost a brother? Did they do it to obtain fortune? Did they have mental disorders from the terror of losing a loved one to violence, ultimately depressing their lives? Do you think they had human emotion causing them to fight battles in their own heads? Did they have a reason to kill, other than what their instincts told them? And when worse came to worse, were they killing each other to have, not food to eat, but the money required to allow them to eat. Because we don’t kill the guy at the food stand just to take his food. We kill the man with the wallet full of money, take it and buy the food at the stand. That’s not peace. That’s obligation when you have nothing and your baby’s stomach is empty. don’t tell me that I wouldn’t go to jail, being stripped of my rights, for stealing food from walmart for my family to eat when I have no money to give them in exchange. They’d have me locked up quicker than I could blink. It’s not like I can go make a hand bag to trade with the bitch at the cash register in exchange for the food I need. we are the reason for any destruction on earth that is unnatural. people kill to live and your bills won’t go unpaid for too long before you're sent to the street and, oh look.. there are no jobs for you to have because our economy is fucked.. because someone said ‘hey. Let’s make credit. Let’s create a market of gambling stocks and hope everyone is lucky enough to make profit from it.’ and when that shit failed, people went to their bank to withdraw money and it wasn’t there. And when they turned to their government for support, the most they would do is set up soup kitchens and hut houses and sleep peacefully at night knowing that the money keeping them from experiencing the same turmoil is money made from the same hard workers who were starving, sleeping in a box because the system failed them, once again. Peace is an idea and this world will never touch peace so long as money exists, people will die to have it because that’s what we need to survive, right? Land is naturally public and i can't even go in my own back yard and kill a random deer to eat for my family if we're tight on green paper.. because why? because whatever is un-owned by us, is owned by our government. Not because they have the natural right to it, but because they said so. Now with that being said.. go wayyyyy back in the day. take indians for example. They had no currency and money did not exist. They were living freely, killing and growing their own food, building their own homes and taking care of their own people… and respecting and taking actual care of the earth because it was only thing giving them life. Now, we don’t respect the earth nor take care of it because we were not raised knowing how to be primitive, natural humans. We look to restraunts, American eagle and walmart to address all of our needs. So where do we go and what do we do when money Is an issue and we can’t buy these luxuries anymore? We fucking die because we’ve relied on money to take care of us in every aspect. Not just native americans, everybody once lived like this and they weren’t piled with debt and a job to keep their attention off of true life happiness. The only job they had was surviving and they didn’t need money to do it. how many people now a days do you know or hear about being in debt to their heads, going homeless or filing bankrupcy, not being able to feed their families and living on the streets because the money was so tight? I don’t even want to know suicide statistics as of today… and all over this scrap of paper that isn’t even supported by gold or anything else to make it valuable. it has no value at all. That makes sense... if I could trick everyone into exchanging dog shit for a living, I could control a country too? Worthless. so why is it that native americans and other pagan oriented people seemed to be so tranquil, graceful, strong and happy? Because THEY KNEW PEACE because they did not need money to kill and die for, to start wars for or to go hungry for. You want to get out and do fun stuff? Something that will ease the numbness and make you feel alive? They had the time every day to enjoy life and meditate. They had control over their lives in every aspect because they didn’t rely on big businesses to do it for them. They wanted or needed something? They got it from the earth and traded what they could make for something somebody else made. Debt did not exist. And what were they stressing about? Fighting sickness, having enough crops and animals to kill to feed their people, and fighting off thieving ass white people wanting their land. I’m sure it’s deeper than that but it sounds like a pretty good life when you think about our struggles. Working a job every day, probably hating the shit out of it and the paycheck tastes the same every time. Serious stress causing potential suicide from never being able to make ends meet, Having your house taken away when the job isn’t enough to pay your bills. Watching your children go hungry and fall to sickness because, ironically, you didn’t make enough dough to BUY food from the store or BUY health care.. annnnnnnnnd our government is too worried about losing money out of their own pockets, trading with other countries and being in everyone else’s business rather than doing something, ANYTHING different to save YOU from falling victim to peasantry in their hands. But if an idea doesn’t work and has continued to fail over and over, wouldn’t it be time to find a new solution? ..and people end up letting their lives waste away with time because they were worrying and paying bills and doing nothing to fulfill their spirit’s need for freedom and happiness. WE ARE ANIMALS but society says we are to be tamed in any way that they feel necessary. We’d rather put up with all the stress that money gives us when we don’t have it and the luxuries of spending money when we have it to spend.. What’s the point in even having a government if they’re not taking proper action in stabilizing how our money is spent, if they insist we have money? they are too worried about what they can get from other countries and wasting money by arresting people who should not even waste cell space. Please, go pick up another pot head and let me pay for them a bed to sleep in and food to eat because you’re stupid ass says something is illegal when most of YOUR country disagrees with you. You want to restore our economy and create jobs? Stop limiting our freedom and STOP CRIMINALIZING YOUR PEOPLE. Crime does not exist without a law stating that what you’re doing is wrong. So, it’s bad for me to smoke weed and calm my pains and worries but it’s okay for you to arrest me and take away my freedom because of it, while I’ve done harm to no one, while you sit back and enjoy the money you’re getting from doing it? because it’s your job… Because the man says that if cops don’t arrest a certain amount of people this month, they’re not getting paid. Don’t believe it? then you don’t know the truth. Hence, a wide majority of black market business is marijuana. everyone and their fucking mom knows it’s a medical miracle. Use this to recirculate money for us and boost the economy FOR US? Nah.. cause they’re making too much money off of its arrests to legalize it. I mean, a government created by the people, FOR the people? That’s crazy talk. we are forced to have jobs to make money NOT for ourselves but for the benefit of the government. to circulate a dominance of power so that if we choose to not go that route and live freely on our land, like everyone in the entire world used to do, we will have nothing. society will turn up their noses and treat us like we're nothing. we will have amounted to nothing. so you tell me to be a slave and do everything that i can to be a "good citizen" when even our own country was formed through the art of taking what we want from who ever has it. what is a good citizen? Someone who obeys the laws of the land even if they’re not for the greater good of our people? Or someone who remembers being told that this is the land of the FREE. That we the people promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty and will stand up for what we believe in. you tell me. government says 'give me your life and i'll give you the money' and no one realizes it because either way, they'll have your money. they'll be sleeping in a warm, safe bed tonight and will wake up to a nice home and breakfast in their tummies in the morning and don't think for one second that they are struggling with money in any way. who the fuck pays their bills any way? US. so we can provide money for them to live but they can't do the same for we the people? instead they waste it, give it away, and put us in more debt by borrowing what we can’t give back. Do you know why peace doesn’t exist in the hearts of people today? (other than sicknesses and altered mental consciousness) Because people are born evil, and when currency takes rise and power becomes control, peace dies. We live for the green rather than what is really meaningful to us. Humanity was the worst thing that could possibly have happened to this earth. We stopped using the earth to live fruitfully in peace and started destroying what was never ours to begin with, using its plants to create an idea of power: money. Creating products to buy with this money and throwing the trash from them on the ground because we don’t respect anything but our own last names. When the day comes that mother nature is tired of being destroyed and this glorious money is of no use.. when everything natural becomes the end of human kind, that will be the day that everyone in the world realizes how different life could have been. “Money, so they say, is the root of all evil today”.. and I know why and for once, this feeling of understanding is the shittiest feeling I’ve ever had. Keep the peace. Smoke trees. Fuck money. and if the world does end this year, hopefully things will be different in my next life."

Oct 26 2012, 07:38 AM

Attention fellow Americans, I have thought this many a times but have not put it into words. Thankfully someone else has: In the words of Brittany Creek. "I’ve thought and thought about the world ending this year and all the theories i've heard from people talking about it.. and I never expressed my thoughts about it until now. This is not religious or form fitting in any way. judge me if you want, it won’t change shit about my beliefs. But i want to enlighten you. I want people with eyes to see the truth. I was driving down the road today, thinking about the true definition of peace and trying to grasp what world peace would be like. Then I thought about it… Money. I’ve always hated money. Always. I never thought money brought happiness and i knew it was the cause of many problems.. But think about it.. Peace does not exist on earth, anymore. It is an idea created by the creation of humanity itself. It must have been pretty damn peaceful, before humans existed, when the only thing walking this earth was animals. Do you think animals were fighting wars? And even if they did, did they feel any pain when they lost a brother? Did they do it to obtain fortune? Did they have mental disorders from the terror of losing a loved one to violence, ultimately depressing their lives? Do you think they had human emotion causing them to fight battles in their own heads? Did they have a reason to kill, other than what their instincts told them? And when worse came to worse, were they killing each other to have, not food to eat, but the money required to allow them to eat. Because we don’t kill the guy at the food stand just to take his food. We kill the man with the wallet full of money, take it and buy the food at the stand. That’s not peace. That’s obligation when you have nothing and your baby’s stomach is empty. don’t tell me that I wouldn’t go to jail, being stripped of my rights, for stealing food from walmart for my family to eat when I have no money to give them in exchange. They’d have me locked up quicker than I could blink. It’s not like I can go make a hand bag to trade with the bitch at the cash register in exchange for the food I need. we are the reason for any destruction on earth that is unnatural. people kill to live and your bills won’t go unpaid for too long before you're sent to the street and, oh look.. there are no jobs for you to have because our economy is fucked.. because someone said ‘hey. Let’s make credit. Let’s create a market of gambling stocks and hope everyone is lucky enough to make profit from it.’ and when that shit failed, people went to their bank to withdraw money and it wasn’t there. And when they turned to their government for support, the most they would do is set up soup kitchens and hut houses and sleep peacefully at night knowing that the money keeping them from experiencing the same turmoil is money made from the same hard workers who were starving, sleeping in a box because the system failed them, once again. Peace is an idea and this world will never touch peace so long as money exists, people will die to have it because that’s what we need to survive, right? Land is naturally public and i can't even go in my own back yard and kill a random deer to eat for my family if we're tight on green paper.. because why? because whatever is un-owned by us, is owned by our government. Not because they have the natural right to it, but because they said so. Now with that being said.. go wayyyyy back in the day. take indians for example. They had no currency and money did not exist. They were living freely, killing and growing their own food, building their own homes and taking care of their own people… and respecting and taking actual care of the earth because it was only thing giving them life. Now, we don’t respect the earth nor take care of it because we were not raised knowing how to be primitive, natural humans. We look to restraunts, American eagle and walmart to address all of our needs. So where do we go and what do we do when money Is an issue and we can’t buy these luxuries anymore? We fucking die because we’ve relied on money to take care of us in every aspect. Not just native americans, everybody once lived like this and they weren’t piled with debt and a job to keep their attention off of true life happiness. The only job they had was surviving and they didn’t need money to do it. how many people now a days do you know or hear about being in debt to their heads, going homeless or filing bankrupcy, not being able to feed their families and living on the streets because the money was so tight? I don’t even want to know suicide statistics as of today… and all over this scrap of paper that isn’t even supported by gold or anything else to make it valuable. it has no value at all. That makes sense... if I could trick everyone into exchanging dog shit for a living, I could control a country too? Worthless. so why is it that native americans and other pagan oriented people seemed to be so tranquil, graceful, strong and happy? Because THEY KNEW PEACE because they did not need money to kill and die for, to start wars for or to go hungry for. You want to get out and do fun stuff? Something that will ease the numbness and make you feel alive? They had the time every day to enjoy life and meditate. They had control over their lives in every aspect because they didn’t rely on big businesses to do it for them. They wanted or needed something? They got it from the earth and traded what they could make for something somebody else made. Debt did not exist. And what were they stressing about? Fighting sickness, having enough crops and animals to kill to feed their people, and fighting off thieving ass white people wanting their land. I’m sure it’s deeper than that but it sounds like a pretty good life when you think about our struggles. Working a job every day, probably hating the shit out of it and the paycheck tastes the same every time. Serious stress causing potential suicide from never being able to make ends meet, Having your house taken away when the job isn’t enough to pay your bills. Watching your children go hungry and fall to sickness because, ironically, you didn’t make enough dough to BUY food from the store or BUY health care.. annnnnnnnnd our government is too worried about losing money out of their own pockets, trading with other countries and being in everyone else’s business rather than doing something, ANYTHING different to save YOU from falling victim to peasantry in their hands. But if an idea doesn’t work and has continued to fail over and over, wouldn’t it be time to find a new solution? ..and people end up letting their lives waste away with time because they were worrying and paying bills and doing nothing to fulfill their spirit’s need for freedom and happiness. WE ARE ANIMALS but society says we are to be tamed in any way that they feel necessary. We’d rather put up with all the stress that money gives us when we don’t have it and the luxuries of spending money when we have it to spend.. What’s the point in even having a government if they’re not taking proper action in stabilizing how our money is spent, if they insist we have money? they are too worried about what they can get from other countries and wasting money by arresting people who should not even waste cell space. Please, go pick up another pot head and let me pay for them a bed to sleep in and food to eat because you’re stupid ass says something is illegal when most of YOUR country disagrees with you. You want to restore our economy and create jobs? Stop limiting our freedom and STOP CRIMINALIZING YOUR PEOPLE. Crime does not exist without a law stating that what you’re doing is wrong. So, it’s bad for me to smoke weed and calm my pains and worries but it’s okay for you to arrest me and take away my freedom because of it, while I’ve done harm to no one, while you sit back and enjoy the money you’re getting from doing it? because it’s your job… Because the man says that if cops don’t arrest a certain amount of people this month, they’re not getting paid. Don’t believe it? then you don’t know the truth. Hence, a wide majority of black market business is marijuana. everyone and their fucking mom knows it’s a medical miracle. Use this to recirculate money for us and boost the economy FOR US? Nah.. cause they’re making too much money off of its arrests to legalize it. I mean, a government created by the people, FOR the people? That’s crazy talk. we are forced to have jobs to make money NOT for ourselves but for the benefit of the government. to circulate a dominance of power so that if we choose to not go that route and live freely on our land, like everyone in the entire world used to do, we will have nothing. society will turn up their noses and treat us like we're nothing. we will have amounted to nothing. so you tell me to be a slave and do everything that i can to be a "good citizen" when even our own country was formed through the art of taking what we want from who ever has it. what is a good citizen? Someone who obeys the laws of the land even if they’re not for the greater good of our people? Or someone who remembers being told that this is the land of the FREE. That we the people promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty and will stand up for what we believe in. you tell me. government says 'give me your life and i'll give you the money' and no one realizes it because either way, they'll have your money. they'll be sleeping in a warm, safe bed tonight and will wake up to a nice home and breakfast in their tummies in the morning and don't think for one second that they are struggling with money in any way. who the fuck pays their bills any way? US. so we can provide money for them to live but they can't do the same for we the people? instead they waste it, give it away, and put us in more debt by borrowing what we can’t give back. Do you know why peace doesn’t exist in the hearts of people today? (other than sicknesses and altered mental consciousness) Because people are born evil, and when currency takes rise and power becomes control, peace dies. We live for the green rather than what is really meaningful to us. Humanity was the worst thing that could possibly have happened to this earth. We stopped using the earth to live fruitfully in peace and started destroying what was never ours to begin with, using its plants to create an idea of power: money. Creating products to buy with this money and throwing the trash from them on the ground because we don’t respect anything but our own last names. When the day comes that mother nature is tired of being destroyed and this glorious money is of no use.. when everything natural becomes the end of human kind, that will be the day that everyone in the world realizes how different life could have been. “Money, so they say, is the root of all evil today”.. and I know why and for once, this feeling of understanding is the shittiest feeling I’ve ever had. Keep the peace. Smoke trees. Fuck money. and if the world does end this year, hopefully things will be different in my next life."

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