Oh, bare grace misery Just a child without a fairytale am I Dark but so lovely A Little Match Girl freezing in the snow Bare Grace Misery, by Nightwish
31 / Female / Sequim, United States
Member since:
Oct 09, 2011
Last online:
Oct 14, 2011
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
What defines me? I do. I can be happy without judgments, negativity, and standards. I want so much more than what we are all living for. I write and feel straight from the heart, think outrageous and deeply, and live for all the right reasons. this world holds more capability and beauty than we're all willing to see these days. open mind, free spirit, strong willed. I contain a mind of my own, and a heart too big for my chest. My expectations are far bigger than they seem, and my intentions are constantly tossed around. My explanations get misunderstood often, so I'll quit while I'm ahead. I live in a world closed off from the rest of you, keep your reality away from me. I'm more than eyes will ever meet♥..
Rather it's clawing it's way through my mind, or beating inside of my body, I have insecurities that want released. I'm not a shelter to what has been brought upon, nor do i welcome insecure thoughts and feelings. I don't believe in your standards, I'll live my life by only what I believe in. Creativity is living in all good and evil. And my world comes off as my own messed up wonderland that I reside in.
Favourite Music
I'm really big on Black Veil Brides this week.
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Education / Occupation
Online classes. Part-time job of being geeky.:3
Who I'd Like To Meet
Mario & Luigi. Jack White. George Lucas & the cast of Star Wars<3<3