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But every time you scream & shout I can feel the pain that your heart pours out && I love it so dearly The adrenaline rush drowns out my headache && the hatred surpasses all the heartbreak && Oh, I adore it, Baby Sweet Agony, by Liars Hands

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - iifuckedyourmom


35 / Female / limerick, Ireland
Straight / Single
Member since: Feb 15, 2011
Last online: Oct 14, 2013

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

Haii there :)
I'm Áine..
Lovee piercings
Chewing on random bits of plastic is my addiction (:
Lovee in General
Friends are my everything <3
Partyy - vodkaa :]
Music pickles my taxii
Lovee talking to YOU (yes, you :]) so comment me, add me, let's talk.. S'all good ^^
That is all....

Take me in the bathroom
Take my clothes off
Make love to me up against a dirty wall
Cause I can’t wait to get you home ♥


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Comments (Add Comment)

Mar 16 2011, 08:12 AM
Hehe heavy night on the tiles was it lol? Anyway aren't you supposed to be saving yourself for tomorrow as its St P Day? xx
Mar 16 2011, 06:57 AM
Hiiii :) No problems, nice profile hehe :D Yeah i'm not too bad thanks, you good? xxx
Mar 15 2011, 07:08 AM
Yup.. bring in lyk loadsa cash each week... Get sum rlly great tippers... My boss is a she.. her husband also is in charge, but mainly her up at dis resteraunt.. Umm, loadsa ppl fill out applications... I thynk it's prob both... Thinkin I can make up slack...
Mar 15 2011, 05:38 AM
Well, 2.83 +tips.. When I b a host, I get 7.25.. Yeahh, everyday.. pretty much. Cuz my boss has fired buncha ppl.. And it all adds up ta more on me... Yesterday was rlly busy.. nearli collapsed. xP But made lil over 50 bucks...
Emo Pictures - Thomis
Mar 12 2011, 07:36 PM
i cant tell you my favourite animal here cause then other peoples will stalk your profile and find out :O then ill havve to give out too many kisses :/ and oh ok you can have a hugg
Mar 12 2011, 10:49 AM
Yeahh, plus thts only the tips I get a day. Theres still credit card tips and the 2.83 an hour.. Yesterday, I had sum old guys give me an 8 buck tip. Sumtymes I even get 10 a table.. But I wurk loadsa hours... lyk mainly EVERY day. Except today.. I get lyk 300 a week.. Mosta tym.. Dont feel bad.. tht may change. Might get more hours or sumthyn. Lyk I did as ppl got fired/quit..
Emo Pictures - Thomis
Mar 12 2011, 06:41 AM
WRONG :O :( im a bit sad, was hoping you'd get it right :(
Mar 11 2011, 07:36 PM
Yeahhh, lol... Sum days just feel lyk Im gonna collapse... Made 45 tonight in lyk 7 hours I wurked there(more than supposeta make).. And gettin paid sunday.. Yupp, tips r tiptacular.. But sumtymes not good on days tht dont pay...
Emo Pictures - Orginally-
Mar 11 2011, 11:08 AM
fuck yahh (8)
Emo Pictures - Thomis
Mar 11 2011, 08:50 AM
ok, i think i could agree to that then, what be your guess?
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