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Cause you love me, you love me, then die tonight. Lie Lie Lie, by Serj Tankian

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - ikilledDaniix


Danielle Damage
33 / Female / Martinsburg Mo, United States

Member since: Jul 26, 2010
Last online: Sep 04, 2010

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

I have a lot to say maybe even explain, but I'll never waste my breath nor time, telling any human being my complete life story. So let's just start with the basics, the simple things that take common sense. They call me Danii and so will you. Caliafornia is my home, its where I belong and always will. I'll be nice at first then I'm what you'd refer to as "mean", I call it sarcasm or honestly stated opinions. The majority of the human race backs down from this, those who don't I tend to be interested in, dont get your hopes up. I'm not attracted to 99.8% of the human race, so if I find you to be "gorgeous", well then damn. I've always been a very strong person both mentally and physically. I don't and will not tolerate anything from anyone. My life expectancy isn't very long at all. I think more in just ten minutes than you ever could imagine to in your life time. Its beyound, degrading at times. I use to hold on to more than I really should of, sometimes I just couldn't seem to let go, or maybe it was just me feeling guilty. But I've gotten beyond so much better now. I don't hold on to people what so ever, there's no reason to try on that level. You come in to my life, fine. You walk right on out, thats fine too. I won't do a thing to keep you from leaving, promise. I've made so many mistakes, even when I knew I'd make them, yet I still find myself in a mess. I'm far past the line of being "difficult". I'm more than what not even 3/4ths of you could "try" to assimilate. I care about the little, less important; "stupid" things at times. To be perfectly honest I would love more than anything to get married, to have that complete feeling all the time. I just don't think I could ever handle; live up to that kind of promise. It's quite depriving. I change my mind far too much. I'm just way too indecisive about pretty much everything. But once my hearts set, we're fucked. Don't worry, I highly doubt that will ever happen. I've learned this within the past. My most recent past years of my life have deffinatly left something within me about this actuality. I am indeed a quick learner but its not that simple. I learn things the hard way, It's really the only way for things to get threw to me. I've learned to never invest too much emotion into one thing. I believe that love is rare and chances are, I'll never have it. I'm completely fine with that.. . It just makes letting go so much more easier. And thats absolutely and exactly how I like it. I am, no doubt one of the most sarcastic people ever. When I make fun of you, that usually means I like you or I extremely dislike you. Trust me, you'll know the difference. I am in love with banana flavors; penguins, Siberian Tigers and Clouded Leopards. I forget names, birthdays, phone numbers or any other "important" things of that matter. I play xbox live, its the shitt! Let's play sometime :D I'm honestly not looking for a "significant" other nor need one. I'm better off alone, so stop trying. If something happens then It'll happen, otherwise fuck off. All you're doing is annoying me. Ive seen hundreads of bands live, I love concerts more than you'd know. I meet tons of new people everyday, I'm always doing something new to consume my time when I can. I'm an outdoors person. I ride own and race; BMX, fourwheeler and snowmobiles. But I'm done with everything I had before and couldn't be more happy let alone free. I'm far beyond your basic creations, never forget it. BTW IM A HUGE GAMER AND INTO ALOT OF ANIME BUT MOSTLY FINAL FANTASY <3 (:

Favourite Music

Atreyu. Alexisonfire. Avril Lavinge...that's right, I said it! AFI. A Static Lullaby. Aiden. Anti-Flag. A Perfect Circle. Animal Alpha. Armor For Sleep. Bullet For My Valentine. Breaking Benjamin. Blessthefall. Billy Talent. Chiodos. Cute Is What We Aim For. Crossfade. Cradle of Filth. Chevelle. Destroy The Runner. Elevated. From First To Last. Foo Fighters. Flyleaf. Garbage. Hinder. Hawthorne Heights. Ice Nine Kills. Jimmy Eat World. Karate Highschool. Knife Of Liberty. Lost Prophets. Moments In Tragedy. My Chemical Romance. Metallica. Matchbook Romance. Nine Inch Nails. Nirvana. Panic! At The Disco. Pearl Jam. Presidents of the United Sates of America. Red Hot Chilli Peppers. Story Of The Year. Still My Queen. Scary Kids Scaring Kids. Stefy. Smashing Pumpkins. Shinedown. Staind. Sublime. Seether. The Mascara Story. Turned Up Missing. Taking Back Sunday. The Used. The Cranberries. The Killers. Toadies. Trapt. The All American Rejects. With Broken Wings. Weezer. Yeah Yeah Yeah. +44 30 Seconds To Mars.,

and heres some more....
evanescence.taylorSwift.Bullet formy valentine.
alesana.armor for sleep.atreyu.Avril..yeah i said it ROFL
cradleof filth dearjuliet[chasecoy] eamon escape the fate
eyes set to kill.flyleaf framing hanley greenday fromfirsttolast
hey monday i kielled the prom queen kelly clarkson
kotton mouth kings lady gaga lost prophets mayday parade
rascal flatts saosin seether simple plan skillet
snow patrol
stereo skyline
suicide silence
the devil wears prada
the redjumpsuit app.

Favourite Films / TV / Books

anything on Fuse , Mtv, and i love Cartoons! Spongebob and invader zim <3 mah fave :] Oh and Chowder.<3 Vampire kisses Series by Ellen schreiber Mainly.

Education / Occupation


Going to College this Fall <3

And i juss got a job at a grocery Store ik lame...

Who I'd Like To Meet

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Aug 02 2010, 03:37 PM
heyyx sorry I was on chat but not talking sorry there will be no more silence lolx
Aug 01 2010, 02:22 AM
its all good :D haha and cool :)
Jul 27 2010, 09:42 PM
im adam :] and nothin really at the moment about to web chat on stickam and skype ^_^ and you?
Jul 27 2010, 11:12 AM
thanks for the add :D
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Jul 26 2010, 09:23 PM
Thanks for the add :]
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Jul 26 2010, 09:15 PM
Heya ikilledDaniix welcome to soEmo.co.uk Please fill out your profile and add some pics when you get the chance. Find other members using the Browse feature. View 1000s of emo scene girls and guys pics in the Emo Pictures section. Check out the popular Emo Forums and NEW Emo Chat. Learn all about emo scene music, fashion and lifestyle in the What is Emo section. The site is still in development so if you have any suggestions or problems please email info@soemo.co.uk or check out the help section. -Matt
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