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i will disappear, i told you once and i'll say it again. i want my message read clear. i'll show you the way, the way i'm going Capricorn (A Brand New Name), by Thirty Seconds To Mars

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - kylav14


CJ Hall
17 / Nonbinary / San Diego, California, United States
Pansexual / Single
Member since: Jul 16, 2024
Last online: Aug 28, 2024

About Me

My names Calliope, also go by CJ, depends on the vibe, your pick. Trying to obtain the vibes without the money ToT

Also, since there aren't hyper-specific descriptors built-in, I'm panromantic asexual genderfluid, any pronouns.

Favourite Music

theres so much, music is my life force. hmu if you wanna hear about more but heres a starter pack

genres metalcore, dark cabaret, swing, circus, rock, hyperpop, electronic, jirai kei, sigilkore, breakcore, future kawaii bass

artists kikuo, rebzyyx, kairikibear, miyashita you, mafumafu, robopup

songs substitute (kikuohana) - dance of the corpses (kikuo) - kokorotoiunanofukakai (ado) - abnormality dancin' girl (guchiry) - Saccharine (jazmin bean)

Favourite Films / TV / Books

i dont watch a lot of TV but i love Where I End and You Begin by Preston Norton, also Dry, and Roxy by Neal and Jarrod Shusterman, i love that duos vibes endlessly

i also read a lot of manga and comics and am an aspiring comic artist (very long term goals lolz) but cant even let myself start on that or i will write 4 pages... but my favorite is Hooky 

Education / Occupation

high school graduate, volunteering while i waste my life with gap years, so i stay broke!!

wanna be an artist but also dont wanna be broke forever!! lol (but not really TwT)

Who I'd Like To Meet

people around my age with similar vibes, especially youre in southern cali ^^ im lonely >w<

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Aug 17 2024, 05:44 PM

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Aug 17 2024, 05:44 PM

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Jul 30 2024, 05:59 AM

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Jul 30 2024, 05:59 AM

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Jul 30 2024, 05:59 AM

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Jul 30 2024, 05:57 AM

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Jul 30 2024, 05:55 AM

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Aug 17 2024, 05:44 PM

y'all I really gotta step up my hair game

Aug 17 2024, 05:44 PM

y'all I really gotta step up my hair game

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