Is this thing cursed? It’s been around for years and every time my boat’s about tits up that goddamn thing is near Is This Thing Cursed?, by Alkaline Trio
37 / Male / wolverhampton, United Kingdom
Straight / Single
Member since:
Jan 01, 2011
Last online:
Mar 08, 2012
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About Me
Erm ok :P i don't really kno what to put, i think my job makes me a Geek, but i try to make up for that by playin Bass in a band :D I think that'll do cuz change my mind that often that i would have to update this like every day ;-)
Favourite Music
I so lots diff rock, so i will just list couple bands ....... Alexisonfire, ....... Bullet For My Valentin, ....... Atreyu, ....... Alkaline Trio, ....... Billy tallent, ....... Blink 182, ....... Greenday, ....... Disturbed, ....... Deftones, ....... Foo Flighters ....... i will stop ther otherwise i'll be here all day :P
Favourite Films / TV / Books
.......Beetle Juice, .......Scott Pilgram vs The World, .......Edward Scissor Hands, .......Blade, .......Original Italian Job. And I'm sure there is loads I'm missin
Education / Occupation
Erm, School (not gonna say what 1) 6th Form (again not tellin where ha) And Wolverhampton Uni ;) Im now an analyst programmer ..... so ye im a Geek :-|