27 / Female / West Midlands, United Kingdom
Pansexual / In a Relationship
Member since:
Dec 31, 2013
Last online:
Nov 13, 2023
Current rating: 9.0/10 (2 votes cast)
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About Me
So, it's time to update this old chestnut again.
I'm Mari, I'm 23 and 2020 said I must simp after fictional men and women. I'm going to be completely honest here. I am socially awkward, I struggle to make conversation but once you get to know me, I am one of the chillest people you'll ever meet.
I obviously don't look very emo but I did not get called a greebo by bullies for nothing (although Urban Dictonary's defintion of this world is rather nice so maybe they were being nice?). Problem is, as time has gone on, I've had to make myself look more presentable for future jobs and money plays a HUGE factor into it (in my opinion). Regardless, I'm still an emo at heart and I will scream till my throat dies out if Linkin Park pops up on my playlist.
In my free time (which increased tenfold thanks to Miss Corona) I game, I edit videos and I sometimes wheeze laugh over the dumbest memes. So yeah, that's me!
Favourite Music
Currently Listening To: Amy Winehouse
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Currently Watching: Devilman Crybaby & Jojo
Currently Reading: Twilight & Loveless
Education / Occupation
Recently completed a course so I can pursue my dreams working in Education.