Do I seem too eager to please to you now?
You don't know me at all
I can't turn it on, turn it off like you now
I'm not like you now
Leaving so soon, by Keane
Keeley Kent
28 / Female / Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom
Bisexual / Single
Member since:
Feb 24, 2012
Last online:
Mar 16, 2012
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About Me
my nickname is keewee;3
i love to chat to different people, face2face, over the phone, or through interent. omg! especially people with simular interests to me, but don't worry i never judge:) im down-to-earth, and i speak my mind. truth-all-the-way!
i don't have the best of a life, but i always put a smile on my face for others around me:) if you want to know what i mean, than ask xD i don't mind!
ask me any question, and i will answer with all honesty.