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What do you do when your heart's in two places? You feel great, but you're torn inside. You feel love, but you just can't embrace it. When you've found the right one, at the wrong time Broken Arrow, by Pixie Doll

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - punkyaimmeuknow


36 / Female / Hickory NC, United States
Straight / Married
Member since: May 12, 2011
Last online: Jan 18, 2012

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

I'm just crazy and fun. I'm a very asy going person and can take a lot to make me mad.SoEmo - Chat moderator (Admin)

Note / Notice! :While/When , Moderators are offline and not present/presence or can be found on the chat rooms Hangout / help and advice , and you want to REPORT: abuse/flood/spam/harassment's/swearing's/Attack's (Arguements) /Threats! or any Chat Abuse and Rule's Breaking behavior : please Do/Make a REPORT to one of the moderators by sending a message to one of the moderators accounts/profile's (private message's/comments) ... and we will need you to spacify the exact Details of the Rule breaker:

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Moderators Contact Details:

https://www.soemo.co.uk/users/xXeMoRaCeRXx/ EmoRacer (Website Admin)

https://www.soemo.co.uk/users/Nick_Otmazgin/ Me (Chat Moderator/Admin)

https://www.soemo.co.uk/users/JojoCupcakeKillerrxD/ (Chat Moderator)

https://www.soemo.co.uk/users/MikeD_UK/ (Chat Moderator)

https://www.soemo.co.uk/users/Frantiq/ (Chat Moderator)


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