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Sherry baby (Sherry baby) Sherry, can you come out tonight? (Come, come, come out tonight) Sherry baby (Sherry baby) Sherry, can you come out tonight? (Why don't you come out?) To my twist party (Come out) Sherry, by Jersey Boys

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - rabbitxhearted


Chase Harley
28 / Male / Florida, United States
Pansexual / In a Relationship
Member since: Jul 14, 2020
Last online: Dec 19, 2024

Current rating: 8.8/10 (8 votes cast)

About Me

hey, i’m chase =)

☆ 26 yo

☆ (gender) queer / polyamorous 

☆ use whatever pronouns idc

☆ crazy in love

☆ new yorker in florida

☆ if you're into horoscope stuff: taurus, year of the rat

☆ socianarchist

personality ✧

☆ easy going

☆ honest.... some would say to the point of bluntness

☆ smart ass

☆ stubborn

☆ i hate small talk, get to the meat of the matter

☆ don't have time for 24/7 negative attitudes, man

☆ fairly straightedge but not a dick about it

i enjoy ♡

☆ drawing

☆ reading

☆ comics

☆ video games

☆ cooking/baking

☆ history (especially ancient minoan, greek and roman, the edwardian period, and the 70's-90's)

☆ mythology/cryptids/urban legends

☆ board games/card games/table top

☆ pet nutrition/care

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Favourite Music


i think all genres have good stuff, but this mostly what i listen to

☆ Punk ☆ Folk ☆ Emo ☆ Grunge ☆ Indie ☆ Does it sound like it was recorded in some dude's bedroom?? I probably like it...


there aren't many bands where i listen to more than a handful of songs from, but here's a few!

☆ My Chemical Romance (and the guys' solo stuff)

☆ The Brobecks, IDKHow... (Basically anything DW has been in)

☆ Pat the Bunny (and his many, many bands)

☆ The Front Bottoms

☆ Relient K

☆ Blue October


☆ Johnny Goth

☆ Cigarettes After Sex.


☆ Mother Mother (The Hollow 2019)

☆ C.K. and the Rising Tide (Lost & Found 2019)

Polyphia (2023)

Please recommend me shit so I stop listening to the same five songs!

Favourite Films / TV / Books


not super into watchin stuff... hard for me to focus, but here's a few favs! i'd rather watch something trash and make fun of most of the time.

☆ Pride & Prejudiced (1995)
☆ The Last Unicorn
☆ Nightmare Before Christmas
☆ Motorcity 
☆ The Secret Garden
☆ Honey and Clover
☆ Princess Jellyfish
☆ Howl's Moving Castle


i mostly read fanfics now cause i'm broke lol.

☆ Crush by Richard Siken
☆ Pride and Prejudiced by Jane Austin
☆ Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
☆ Prague Race by Leppu
The Guide to a Healthy Relationship
The End of Main
☆ A bunch of Smachjeeves comics that are dead now

video games

☆ Spryo
☆ Okage Shadow King
☆ Kingdom Hearts
☆ Final Fantasy
☆ Fire Emblem
☆ The Sims
☆ Civilization
☆ Omori
☆ Persona
☆ Hades
☆ Neir
☆ Stardew Valley
☆ The Last of Us
☆ A whole bunch of rpg maker games


☆ Splendor
☆ Uno
☆ Settlers of Catan
☆ Munchkin
☆ Pandemic
☆ Secret Hitler
☆ Dungeons and Dragons
☆ Dungeon World

Education / Occupation

I’ve worn many hats but I’m a bookseller at a college right now!

Who I'd Like To Meet

just chill people that wanna talk! : 0

you can also ask for my discord if you want to IM.

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