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Let me hide within your black, the still inside your eyes. Deafened, caught within a cry. So sensual, as step by step by step, I seperate, as breath to breath, as I... suffocate Dancing Through Sunday, by AFI

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - rings_17


Sky The Lonely
24 / Male / Jacksonville, United States
Not Sure / Broken Hearted
Member since: Mar 27, 2018
Last online: Jan 01, 2025

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

Cattell's 16 Factor Test Results
Warmth ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Intellect ||||||||| 30%
Emotional Stability |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Aggressiveness ||||||||||||||| 50%
Liveliness ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Dutifulness ||||||||||||||| 42%
Social Assertiveness ||||||||||||||| 50%
Sensitivity ||||||||||||||| 50%
Paranoia ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Abstractness |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Introversion ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Anxiety |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Openmindedness |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Independence |||||| 18%
Perfectionism ||||||||| 26%
Tension |||||||||||| 34%
Take Cattell 16 Factor Test (similar to 16pf)
personality tests by similarminds.com

 I may be going to the Air Force or Marines in like the next 2-3 yrs. or so.
MOTIV info 
motiv type - AOXIDRS
motiv+ type - |A|OtIDrs
JUNG info
jung type - INFJ
Personality Disorder info
Enneagram info
Type 158%51%
Type 276%49%
Type 313%52%
Type 479%51%
Type 553%53%
Type 661%50%
Type 764%49%
Type 871%51%
Type 943%53%

Favourite Music

Anything that has Bruno Mars, Eminem, Twilight, Christina Perri 21 Pilots, Heavy Metal, & Rap etc.

Favourite Films / TV / Books

  • Eragon
  • Hunger Games
  • The Voice
  • Ip Man

Education / Occupation

11th High School
Air Force/Marine (maybe)

Who I'd Like To Meet

Anyone that isnt a perv/asshole

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Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
User Online
Mar 26 2018, 11:20 PM
Thanks for the add :]
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Dec 12 2018, 01:59 PM
(I'm writing a book tell me what you think of it so far) Sky Sihu was born on the 4th of March and was abandoned at the age of 5 so she had to learned how to fend for herself for 13 long years in the wilderness and when she was 18 she went into town as an adult not knowing anything, so she walked up somehow knowing how to speak, read, and talk. She walked up to a stranger and asked for help not knowing who this guy was but hoping the stranger told him will tell him where she is the stranger said, “You are in the town called, Woodsden” and she told the stranger “She was abandoned in a forest at the age of 5”, the strangers’ jaw dropped and he said “If you want you can come live with me”. She said “really, you would take me in?”. The stranger nodded and smiled and said, “Everyone deserves a chance in life no matter who they are. The stranger says, “By the way, my name is Felix what’s yours?”. I say mine is “Sky Sihu” but my nickname is Sky. He says cool name. I shyly say thanks yours too. Come on I’ll show you around here it may be a small town. But I do have to tell you something. He looks “yes?”. I blush even more, “I’m part of the LGBTQ+ community.” He’s like “oh, so am I so your still welcome, if you don’t mind me asking what are you because I’m genderfluid and pansexual.” I say I’m pansexual, Transgender, and Agender. He says that’s it?, I’m like no I have more but we would be here for a while, so I made a short version of it. Felix says “Wanna see my house first so you can eat shower and put clean clothes on?”. “Sky nods his head yes”. Felix says, “Come on then.” “They start to walk together 5 miles west until they come to a huge mansion and Miki said, “This is your house?”. Felix nodded and said, Yep I inherited it from my parents. Sky said, Cool I wish I knew my parents I was abandoned in the forest at the age of 5 since then I had to survive on my own since then. Felix looked at Sky, Well, you have me, so you never have to do that again you hear me…Sky?. Sky looked and hid her face and said, Yeah, I know and thanks. “Sky holds out for a handshake but instead Felix hugged him instead and said, I’m never letting go of you”. “Felix started speaking in his native tongue to open the door” and as he opens it he says, “If you haven’t already you will need to go to school”. One day her and Felix had a falling out and she said, “I’m done, Felix good-bye forever packed her stuff and moved out”. Then one day, a girl walked into her life than everything she felt for her ex disappeared. All she wanted was to be near this girl except the fact that she was shy, and the girl had a boyfriend. Then one day the girl walked up to her and said “Hi, I’m Arya Drotnning.”. Sky blushed and said, “Sup my friends call me Sky.” She said we should hang out some time”. Sky said, “sure I’m usually at the park if not there you can usually find me at my job, gives Arya the address.” Arya says, “Hey, Sky want my number, my Instagram and my Snapchat?”. Arya gave Sky her information and there now you can text me whenever minus Sunday. Then a five years later they have known each other for a long time and finally CC says, “Sky?”. Sky said, yes?. CC is like “I kind of have a crush on you too except I have a boyfriend and I don’t know what to do about him because I feel no connection I thought it would be there but..... there is no connection not like the connection I feel when I’m with you and I want you to meet my friend.” Sky was like “who is this friend, am I getting replaced?!” CC said, “No! Calm your tits…. babe. “Sky blushes”. Sky says, “Sorry I do that a lot bc of my many disorders I have.” CC says, “Its ok bc I do the same thing not bc of that but bc of all the hurt I have been through. Sky says, “Well, you never have to deal with that again.”

Dec 12 2018, 01:59 PM

(I'm writing a book tell me what you think of it so far) Sky Sihu was born on the 4th of March and was abandoned at the age of 5 so she had to learned how to fend for herself for 13 long years in the wilderness and when she was 18 she went into town as an adult not knowing anything, so she walked up somehow knowing how to speak, read, and talk. She walked up to a stranger and asked for help not knowing who this guy was but hoping the stranger told him will tell him where she is the stranger said, “You are in the town called, Woodsden” and she told the stranger “She was abandoned in a forest at the age of 5”, the strangers’ jaw dropped and he said “If you want you can come live with me”. She said “really, you would take me in?”. The stranger nodded and smiled and said, “Everyone deserves a chance in life no matter who they are. The stranger says, “By the way, my name is Felix what’s yours?”. I say mine is “Sky Sihu” but my nickname is Sky. He says cool name. I shyly say thanks yours too. Come on I’ll show you around here it may be a small town. But I do have to tell you something. He looks “yes?”. I blush even more, “I’m part of the LGBTQ+ community.” He’s like “oh, so am I so your still welcome, if you don’t mind me asking what are you because I’m genderfluid and pansexual.” I say I’m pansexual, Transgender, and Agender. He says that’s it?, I’m like no I have more but we would be here for a while, so I made a short version of it. Felix says “Wanna see my house first so you can eat shower and put clean clothes on?”. “Sky nods his head yes”. Felix says, “Come on then.” “They start to walk together 5 miles west until they come to a huge mansion and Miki said, “This is your house?”. Felix nodded and said, Yep I inherited it from my parents. Sky said, Cool I wish I knew my parents I was abandoned in the forest at the age of 5 since then I had to survive on my own since then. Felix looked at Sky, Well, you have me, so you never have to do that again you hear me…Sky?. Sky looked and hid her face and said, Yeah, I know and thanks. “Sky holds out for a handshake but instead Felix hugged him instead and said, I’m never letting go of you”. “Felix started speaking in his native tongue to open the door” and as he opens it he says, “If you haven’t already you will need to go to school”. One day her and Felix had a falling out and she said, “I’m done, Felix good-bye forever packed her stuff and moved out”. Then one day, a girl walked into her life than everything she felt for her ex disappeared. All she wanted was to be near this girl except the fact that she was shy, and the girl had a boyfriend. Then one day the girl walked up to her and said “Hi, I’m Arya Drotnning.”. Sky blushed and said, “Sup my friends call me Sky.” She said we should hang out some time”. Sky said, “sure I’m usually at the park if not there you can usually find me at my job, gives Arya the address.” Arya says, “Hey, Sky want my number, my Instagram and my Snapchat?”. Arya gave Sky her information and there now you can text me whenever minus Sunday. Then a five years later they have known each other for a long time and finally CC says, “Sky?”. Sky said, yes?. CC is like “I kind of have a crush on you too except I have a boyfriend and I don’t know what to do about him because I feel no connection I thought it would be there but..... there is no connection not like the connection I feel when I’m with you and I want you to meet my friend.” Sky was like “who is this friend, am I getting replaced?!” CC said, “No! Calm your tits…. babe. “Sky blushes”. Sky says, “Sorry I do that a lot bc of my many disorders I have.” CC says, “Its ok bc I do the same thing not bc of that but bc of all the hurt I have been through. Sky says, “Well, you never have to deal with that again.”

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