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Keep a piece of you so close to me So when I sing this song you feel my grief When you're gone the days seem so long But when you're here it all becomes so clear I'm only happy when you're near Remember Me, Oh God, For Good, by Watchout! There's Ghost

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - romaineisdead


Tristen (Romaine) Killer
25 / Female / im not telling, United States
Gay/Lesbian / In a Relationship
Member since: Mar 24, 2013
Last online: Apr 16, 2013

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

well, not much to tell, i'm very random, i LOVE music, writting, and am really weird(or, so i'm told :)

i'm in love with an amazing person, don't want to loose them, too.

i love my girlfriend to death, shes the best. her names Raine<3<3<3<3<3<3 hey people who know, her.(including you babe, i know youll see this at some piont)

not alot of people really like me, i'm in 6th grade, so people think it's weird that i'm lez. it's because i don't listen to the same music as them, or say weird things, they think it's okay to pick on me. to punch me (every day) or yell things out at me(refrences to my orientation, so not cool). i get called a whore alot, just because i've dated, like, 4 peole this year(2 of wich are i high school). if they knew what happened this year, they'd be mad to. BTW's, the counsulers*don't help at all. thay say that i'm the problem,like I decide to LET them get to me. oh, well, if you want more, just ask.

*- did not spell that right(i do this alot, see what i mean? weird...)


Favourite Music

anything and everything

(not rap or anything, some countrey, i can deal with, but, hey, i've grown up around it, so you know, it's was always just something i've heard)

LIGHTS, Blue October, (fave bands<3) , and a bunch more

Favourite Films / TV / Books

don't watch much tv, but, i like any anime, and my little pony, spiderman, and invaderzim

movies? well, i like sappy stuff, and a good mystery, if you mix these, you got my faves! (BTW's the notebook, and the raven <3)

same as the movies, just, i LOVE shakesper*

macbeth, hamelet, a midsummer nights dream, romeo and juliet,

*- didn't spell that right, don't think

FAVE AUTHOR- Sarah Dessen, good stuff, good stuff :)

Education / Occupation

school sucks, but the people i DO talk to make ME, well, ME. they keep me sane. (well, as sane as we can get. we're pretty crazy people,)

hehehe, i love potatoes!, hehehe

   'nd, the necterites, oh hail Aunt Jemima!!!!!!!

oh, the wonderful minds of my bestfriends. who BTW's keep me as sane as i'll ever be :)

Who I'd Like To Meet

not alot of people, just, LIGHTS, Blue October, hhhmmm, nope, no one else.

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Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Mar 24 2013, 09:43 AM
Who told you about the site? Are they members to? :)
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Mar 24 2013, 08:48 AM
Heya romaineisdead welcome to soEmo.co.uk Please fill out your profile and add some pics when you get the chance. Even create a journal if you like... Find other members using the Browse feature. View 1000s of emo scene girls and guys pics in the Emo Pictures and Site Models sections. Check out the popular Emo Forums and Emo Chat. Learn all about emo scene music, fashion and lifestyle in the What is Emo section. The site is still in development so if you have any suggestions or problems please email info@soemo.co.uk or check out the help section. -Matt
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Mar 24 2013, 08:26 AM
Thanks for the add :]
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Mar 28 2013, 02:11 PM
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Mar 27 2013, 03:04 PM
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Mar 26 2013, 07:15 PM
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Mar 26 2013, 04:05 AM
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Mar 25 2013, 02:55 PM
i fucking hate mondays. they're the worst. they only bring bad things. that and i have to do the dishes after dinner, and put away the food. not a fun job, im sad didnt get to see someone really important to me today. well not much, wish i didnt rain. rain sucks.* anyway, im bored, i dont have much homework, we've got a museum feild trip soon. dont want to go, but, spring break stars soon. Friday to be exact. *- he he he, sorry baby <3 you dont really suck:) cant wait till April 13th, band thing!!!!!!!!!!(BTW's i play clarinet, B flat:) HERE IS A BIT OF A GOOD SONG THAT I LIKE: we only want to feel as close as we can be, use hands for holding on to your preiuos family, believe in who all will shine the light to help you see. cause if i believe in you, will you believe in me? - Blue October, Kangaroo Cry <3<3<3 love this song, listening to it right now. one of my faves:) ok, ive got to go, goodbye, love those who care about me <3<3<3 love, RID
Mar 24 2013, 11:23 AM
this year has been hard, mom left, lost a few freinds, lost the most important person to me in my entire life. i can't loose her again, just cant. after all the stuff that happened over the summer, and with my GF, it all went down hill. after i was away from the person i love most in life, i started doing drugs, started drinking, got involved in alot of shit. the suergery i had during the summer, (got hurt, so i had to get suergery to correct what was wrong) hence, the huge scar on my back. i don't remember what happened, no one likes to talk about it. anyway, i'm not the easiest person to deal with, i've got alot to deal with, i'm not sure how to deal with it though. my family's been broken, i don't even want to consider us a family anymore. we're running out of money, i've been left with my STEPDAD, (meaning i don't have any of the real perents i used to have) take it day by day, hope for the best and, live for tomorrow <3<3
Mar 24 2013, 10:26 AM
hi, so i'm new here, i would like some friends, i know alot of peolpe on here already.

Mar 28 2013, 02:11 PM

my GF has a crush on her friend... first, who? second, when? third, whats gonna happen...................

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Mar 27 2013, 03:04 PM

so, like people, my day was ok, didnt get to talk to my girlfriend. i was sad. we cant be around each other without smeone saying something. so its best if i keep a safe distance away form her until people stop asking dumb questions. im afraid we might break up if this continues, i really cant loose her. for a second time. i cant just let them make me mad either, cause the response i give them isnt very nice. it all just makes it worse, no better than it was before. i dont need to loose any more people this year, ive lost enough already. im worried about my friend, shes been hanging around some bad people, i dont want her to get into trouble. andshes a completely different person now. i dont want this to go on. and, her boyfriend isnt the best, he hangs around some bad people. imean im bad, but not that bad. they gossip, i dont they make peoples lives hell, i dont. they say mean things to me, get mad cause im a lesbian. heres a quote my sister says, people are afraid of what they dont understand, people hate the things they dont understand. love you guys<3 RID, <3<3>3<3 see ya laters!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Mar 26 2013, 07:15 PM

so, my day was bad.my family found out about the cutting thing, the school knows.i also had to go see my mom today....... i wanted to punch her in the face. but, i kept my cool, and let it go. its getting harder and harder to let it go* this guy decides to be a dick and be mean. he was askin over and over again if i was dating Raine*, it got really annoying.by the third time, i said fuck you, and ran away. (*yesssssss, im dating her, love her to death. more than air. you should see me without her, its not gooood, im all, issssshhhhyyyyy. is not coool!!!!!) (*hehe, LIGHTS lyrics, Savior<3) sowwy, ive got to got, i love you guys!!! <3 RID

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Mar 26 2013, 04:05 AM

hey people, im sick, and bored, ive got to get ready for school.ive got a test today- its a math test, i didnt study for it though. wonder how ill do, my tutor said i was doing pretty good, that ill probibly get an average or ok grade, like wise anyway. ive got to got tell how evreything goes later.bye love<3, RID, <3<3<3

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Mar 25 2013, 02:55 PM

i fucking hate mondays. they're the worst. they only bring bad things. that and i have to do the dishes after dinner, and put away the food. not a fun job, im sad didnt get to see someone really important to me today. well not much, wish i didnt rain. rain sucks.* anyway, im bored, i dont have much homework, we've got a museum feild trip soon. dont want to go, but, spring break stars soon. Friday to be exact. *- he he he, sorry baby <3 you dont really suck:) cant wait till April 13th, band thing!!!!!!!!!!(BTW's i play clarinet, B flat:) HERE IS A BIT OF A GOOD SONG THAT I LIKE: we only want to feel as close as we can be, use hands for holding on to your preiuos family, believe in who all will shine the light to help you see. cause if i believe in you, will you believe in me? - Blue October, Kangaroo Cry <3<3<3 love this song, listening to it right now. one of my faves:) ok, ive got to go, goodbye, love those who care about me <3<3<3 love, RID

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Mar 24 2013, 11:23 AM

this year has been hard, mom left, lost a few freinds, lost the most important person to me in my entire life. i can't loose her again, just cant. after all the stuff that happened over the summer, and with my GF, it all went down hill. after i was away from the person i love most in life, i started doing drugs, started drinking, got involved in alot of shit. the suergery i had during the summer, (got hurt, so i had to get suergery to correct what was wrong) hence, the huge scar on my back. i don't remember what happened, no one likes to talk about it. anyway, i'm not the easiest person to deal with, i've got alot to deal with, i'm not sure how to deal with it though. my family's been broken, i don't even want to consider us a family anymore. we're running out of money, i've been left with my STEPDAD, (meaning i don't have any of the real perents i used to have) take it day by day, hope for the best and, live for tomorrow <3<3

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Mar 24 2013, 10:26 AM

hi, so i'm new here, i would like some friends, i know alot of peolpe on here already.

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