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I'm mixed up, I'll be blunt, now the rain is just washing you out of my hair and out of my mind Remembering Sunday, by All Time Low

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - schizophrenicxx


Mare Schizophrenia
31 / Female / Orlando, FL, United States
Straight / Engaged
Member since: Jun 10, 2013
Last online: Jun 13, 2013

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

~A few facts c:

You only see what I choose to show
But there is a lot that you dont know
I regret a lot because I knew
Just how wrong they were to do
It was really stupid and now I suffer
From all the things I used to cover
I let it out 'cause I thought it was right
But all it gave me was a lot of fright
Some people know and others dont

All the other people always won't

Born a self hatin' little girl with a soul so pure
Beautiful and smart
so young, yet mature
Talented with words, but the world doesn't see
That this is the only way that I know how to be me
Broken and beaten by this world that I despise
I've learned to block it all out, I no longer open my eyes
They've been permanently shut, so now I live through what I feel
But I've cut off all emotions so lifes no big deal
I'll be great one day, thats what I tell myself
I'll be great one day without any of their help
I'll be great one day and then they'll see
I'll be great one day
And good enough for me.

She looks in the mirror
And sees someone staring straight back at her
A lost little girl
With cold hard eyes
And no expression on her face
Trying to cover up the pain she feels
A lost little girl
With too much anger inside of her too control
So she takes it out on everyone around her
Because she can't stop herself
A tear falls from her eye
Realizing that this lost little girl
Who is staring back at her
Is in fact herself
Her reflection
So wiping her tears away
She steps closer to the mirror
Looks herself in the eyes
And whispers to herself
"Who have I become?"

Just because im quiet
doesn't mean im mute
Doesn't mean im boring
Doesn't mean I can't be outgoing
Just because im quiet
dont make fun of me
dont judge how I am
dont treat me like an animal
Just Because im quiet
I still want make friends
Still love to have conversations
Still want to share thoughts
Just because im quiet
Doesn't mean thats me

Just because im quiet
doesn't mean im mute
Doesn't mean im boring
Doesn't mean I can't be outgoing
Just because im quiet
dont make fun of me
dont judge how I am
dont treat me like an animal
Just Because im quiet
I still want make friends
Still love to have conversations
Still want to share thoughts
Just because im quiet
Doesn't mean thats me

It begins as a noise in the background
keeping steady beat as it makes its round
it can be found at any time of day
its so simple, just push play

It creates a story for everyones life
as if it understands your struggles and strife
its impossible to stop, its purpose will be served
as if not to judge on whether or not you deserve
to feel absorbed in something bigger than yourself
where there is nobody to ever ring the bell

Of complete reality and worry filled days
when life gets too real theres something that says
I'll be with you through the HAPPY and SAD
the really GREAT days and even the BAD

It lingers as if ready at any possible time
to lift you off your feet and begin to fly
away from all the grief, sorrow and pain
to tell your mind that its free again

No judging or casting a nasty glare
nope, just to let you know that its always there
as the shoulder to cry on when no one else cares
and casts you alone to face all of your scares

It will give you a feeling that no one else can
and open your eyes to the ever growing span
of opportunity and dare and even the strength
to end it all or just shoot blanks

It tends to all of our daily needs
not for us but with us so we really can see
the magic of you when in a crowd
nothing else will sound as loud

As the beats, bells, and whistles that are in your head
revealing to you a new path to tread
for you will follow no one your path will be your own
because your are lead by something that can't be owned

To be there for whenever you desire
is its one purpose, to light your fire
it can't be stopped if the will is steady
it can be unleashed, its always ready

To light up your day or slow down the time
to yell at the world, or even to cry
to help you with whatever you may need
or just to be there for whenever you please

It will live until the end of time
serving its purpose, to let its light shine
remember family, friends and even pets
but most of all music never forget

Music travels all around my body
Now I can say its living right through me
Listening to music puts me in a good mood
It makes me want to stand up and start to groove

Music can make me forget all of my pain
It brings out the sun when I can only see the rain
I put on my headphones and play all of my songs
I could listen to it all day long

Music takes me to another place
Higher than the sky and far away from the space
Theres nothing to compare to it in the whole world
It wouldn't even be better than my favorite girl

Music can teach you many lessons
Like stand up for your rights and all the good reasons
I know theres people who thinks the same way
Because they know music lives in us everyday

Long story short c:
im mare, im a musician, I play acoustic and electric guitar, piano, drums and violin <3
< 3~

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Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Jun 11 2013, 09:25 AM
Thanks for the add :]
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Jun 10 2013, 08:50 PM
Heya schizophrenicxx welcome to soEmo.co.uk Please fill out your profile and add some pics when you get the chance. Even create a journal if you like... Find other members using the Browse feature. View 1000s of emo scene girls and guys pics in the Emo Pictures and Site Models sections. Check out the popular Emo Forums and Emo Chat. Learn all about emo scene music, fashion and lifestyle in the What is Emo section. The site is still in development so if you have any suggestions or problems please email info@soemo.co.uk or check out the help section. -Matt
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