Pepsy Twist (My Facebook)
36 / Male / Ohio, Romania
Single & Looking
Member since:
Feb 17, 2011
Last online:
May 01, 2014
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About Me
Im going to London :) :) :D.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im a funny person and i like to make other peoples feel good! IM SINGLE AND LOOKING FOR A GIRL WHO REALY KNOW WHAT REAL LOVE MEANS. I dont kare about money or things like that. All i want from that girl is to love me how i love her! I hope in 1 day il meet that girl who will help me with finding myself clearly Only music makes me feel good now! My soul is full of anger,hart full of pain hot blood is boilling inside my veins. My brain is full whit memories whit you I feel like im dieing,tell what to do. But yu are farr away and i miss you so much I miss all we had,kisses,yur smile and touch I miss all the nights when we was togheter Remember the words Im gonna love U forever.....
Favourite Music
My heart is full of anger, my soul is full of pain Hot blood is boiling inside my veins My brain is full with memories about you I fell like I’m dying, tell me what to do But you are far away and I miss you so much I miss all our kisses, smiles and touch I miss all the days when we were together Remember the words<< I will love you forever>>... I see the EMO kids are cast aside/rejected, Because they took their life, crazy considered, But, it is not like this, just think about it, We are all the same if you didn’t know it We all have red blood boiling in our veins And the same God; we all feel the pain They are humans like us, living on the earth Wearing pants and shoes, and a cool T-shirt Inside their body, they have a special heart Lovely angel heart which needs a second part They feel the pure love, a gift from above All they need from us is the same love. I’m a EMO, I don’t care and I live my life With good and bad things, the future is bright Inside my heart the sun will always shine I’m a angel in this world, and the world is mine EMO style, I love this kind of life Feeling free and crazy every day and night I don’t care what you say, I wanna live my life With cool hair style and freaky clothes A lot of funny things, red, black nails My EMO life is magic , I live it, I won’t fail.
I hope you gona like these lirycs. sorry 4 my bad english writing. please let comments about what is wrong and what you dont like. thank you 4 whaching. :)
Favourite Films / TV / Books and Please Share if you like. Im falling,keep falling,Im falling whitout wings, Yu broked them when yu left me and now i got nothing, Im falling forrever so hopples to be saved I lost you my angel and now your farr away...
The only book i have read and i am keep reading is THE BOOK OF MY LIFE! The pages of this book are stained whit blood and pain and mani thears which falled from my blue and sad eyes. In this book im just a negativ character which follow the rules of the copyright. All i want is to get uot from this book and find the girl which can help to me finish it. I wana close this book of life whit the smille on my lips and my lips to be on her lips. I wrote my book of life whit dark and bloody letter,There is one thing i coudnt find,true love to live forrever.I searched on the earth,i searched in the sky,But all i found was lies,many many lies....those was the words of a fallen angel,Which once was a mighti,such a mighti ranger... If the true love you are searching too,We can find it together at finalfantasy4yu ( yahoo messenger ID). try it
Education / Occupation
I sit alone watching TV or listening music on the computer and I think if it's somewhere in this world someone to love so much as I love and love me as much? I hope that someday I will find that girl and we will live happy toggeter forrever Si lacrimi curg dar sunt in zadar, in indepartare incet tu te pierzi,makar, Makar un minut si destul ar fi, Sa pot sa te sarut,linistit sa pot muri In brate,da in brate la tine, Unde e atat de cald si bine Unde mereu linistea eu o gaseam Sa nu uiti niciodata cat de mult eu te iubeam...
Who I'd Like To Meet
I want to find an angel to save me under her wings and take me to the stars and live together happy on a star without anyone bothering us. Im from USA but i live in Roumania at the moment, a country where no one kares about Emo and their feelings. I wana leave it and seach for my half somewhere in this world.
I wonder if yu will cry when il be gonne, If yu will suffer or yu will smile, If you will keep me in your hart..