Just scratch the surface and you will find Something to blame for a long lost time.
From green to red our days pass by
Waiting for a sign to tell us why Trigger, by In Flames
Kayla Perry
32 / Female / Garrison, United States
Straight / Single
Member since:
Nov 25, 2008
Last online:
Jul 20, 2009
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
i may be only 15 years old but i gone thro alot of shit. iv been thro the crying the put togethers and the brake ups yes and the sex. the cutting the pleading the fuck this the fuck that attitude. iv been locked up 5 times put thro rehab 2s it all sucks but the truth is you cant forse enyone to wake up until they do it themselfs.
and iv come to realize its time for me to wake up im done with drugs. i hate drama im looking for a gye who hates drama who is not afrad to cry infornt of me. and isent afrad to tell me how he feels and how he feels about other things. i wanna know how he looks at things i wanna know how he sees things in his perspective. i dont want him to judge me for wat i did in the past. i want him to be beside me not infront of me or behind me. i fucking hate cheating and cheaters. this is how i look at it .... if u chose someone to be your girl freind or boy freind then you need to be with them and no one els. if you dont like how the relationship is going then you need to tell them not hide it you need to have a good exsplanation for ending it.
i have sholder lingth black hair.. i have my eyebrow persed , tong, nose, and bellybutten persed i plan on getting my pics updated soon so its all good.
Favourite Music
Favourite Films / TV / Books
i love scary movies...and funny ones pritty much something that looks interesting to me. i love the books impulse, crank, burned, glass ... those kind of book becaouse i relate to alot of them .... pritty much i read books that i can relate to.
Education / Occupation
Who I'd Like To Meet
someone who isent a poser, fake, or fucking stuped.