And I have a question:
What is love?
What is love?
Oh, oh oh oh-oh-oh
Is it giving up?
'Cause that's not how you
Raised me, yeah. What Is Love?, by Never Shout Never
The Doctor
24 / Female / Texas, United States
Pansexual / Broken Hearted
Member since:
Nov 27, 2014
Last online:
Aug 29, 2020
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
Hey, I'm The Doctor!!!!!
I like that name better than my real one bc I hate my name
Here are some facts about me:
-I'm 15
-I'm trisexual
-I live in the states but I'm truly british and I'm gonna live there one day. I'm going to live in Cardiff, England (bcuz thats where doctor who is filmed)
-I've been emo for over 16 years (emo from the womb to the tomb y'know?)
-I'm not allowed to dye my hair so that's why it's brown in my profile pic :(((
-If I could dye my hair I'd dye it yellow XD because no one evr dyes their hair yellow and I'm unigue
Favourite Music
Music is for people who have souls... and i never want to be grouped up with them.
Favourite Films / TV / Books
TV Shows:
-Why watch tv when I can watch myself cry in the mirror?
Twilights 1-8 (and the manga)
Les Mis the Manga
Education / Occupation
My mum keeps saying for me to get an "education" but I only hear her sobs of hatred.
I bet she's just jealous because I posessed a youthful vessel, while she possessed an old hag.