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This pain will never leave me It's scarred upon my brain The Rage To Overcome, by Machinehead

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - theraven6


27 / Female / ny, United States
Bisexual / Broken Hearted
Member since: Aug 31, 2013
Last online: Jan 23, 2014

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

i love music i draw and write music and im a guitarist . loves cats i lov pie xD guess thts it n.n add me in instagram ~FALLOW me ill fallow u too ~ xxvzombiefidexx

Favourite Music

kpop jrock metal rock screamo

Favourite Films / TV / Books

alot of horror asain horror movies <3 theres to many of them to say xD

Education / Occupation

highschool i guess

Who I'd Like To Meet

friends n.n

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- blah lol

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