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creepy girls your just my style blood red lipstick you dont smile fallen victim to your fantasy damm i love it that your so creepy creepy girls, by Ghost Town

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - waterspoonsUmYe


Shannon Martin
25 / Female / Blackpool, United Kingdom
Member since: Nov 28, 2013
Last online: Dec 06, 2013

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

  My name is Shannon and I hate myself but I will probably love you. I'm not the typical emo by looks but yep.
Name :shannon
Nick Name :eurgh i hate my nicknames but people call me shan, shaz,shazza and stuff like that yep...
Birthdate :28th March
Birthplace :Blackpool
Current Location :Thornton-Cleveleys
Eye Color :hazel
Hair Color :dirty blonde, i'm not allowed to die my hair dark brown or black which stinks.
Height :5'5
Weight :rather not say thanks
Piercings :none omg my parents are horrible
Boyfriend/Girlfriend :single forever
Overused Phrase :fuckkoff, rather no, fucking cunt, go away, shut up, wait what, same, who is that, what are you talking about
Food :ben and jerrys ice-cream, nutella
Candy :double decker yep...
Number :um... probably 13
Color :blue and black
Animal :cats but im allergic
Drink :ien bru, vitamin water
Body Part on Opposite sex :hips and bums loll
Perfume :diesel
TV Show :american horror story, pretty little liars, homeland, vampire diaries
Movie :breakfast at tiffanys, cyberbully, lovely bones, the host, the hunger games, tangled, idk i have lots
This or That
Pepsi or Coke :coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing :burger king although i would much rather have kfc
Chocolate or Vanillavanilla
Hot Chocolate or Coffee :coffee, coffee is perfect
Kiss or Hug :both at the same time haha
Dog or Cat :cats of course but i have two dogs
Rap or Punk :punk
Summer or Winter :winter
Scary Movies or Funny Movies :scary movies
Love or Money :love, although love doesn't always last it makes you happy
Bedtime :i get sent to bed at 11 but i tend to not sleep until between 2 am and 6 am
Most Missed Memory :being in hospital
Best phyiscal feature :i have long eyelashes um
First Thought Waking Up :where is the coffee, i'd rather be on tumblr, eurgh people
Weakness :people
Fears :people
Cheated Your Partner :never
Ever been beaten up :first day of year 4
Ever beaten someone up :never
Ever Shoplifted :i wanted to cross it off my bucket list... yes im the sort of girl that has a bucket list... but yeah i stole a 5p pen...
Ever Skinny Dipped :never however i will never be able to anymore because of what i have done to myself
Ever Kissed Opposite sex :yes
Been Dumped Lately :yes lool
Favorite Eye Color :brown and blue and light green
Favorite Hair Color :brown, black
Short or Long :long
Height :idc
Looks or Personality :personality but looks count a little bit
Hot or Cutecute
Muscular or Really Skinny :skinny
What country do you want to Visit :canada, iceland, greenland, phillipines or whatever, north and south pole, nepul
How do you want to Die :in my sleep although i will probably die from suicide
Been to the Mall Lately :nope, i hate going places
Get along with your Parents :not particularly
Health Freak :na
Do you think your Attractive :hahahahahahahaha nopee
Believe in Yourself :nope
Want to go to College :im not sure
Do you Smoke :every now and then
Do you Drink :occasionally
Shower Daily :yepppp
Been in Love :nope
Age you wanna lose your Virginity :before im 18
Hate anyone :a lot of people
Take SurveyCreate Survey


Favourite Music

relient k

bring me the horizon

sleeping with sirens

mayday parade

suicide silence

all time low

pierce the veil

a day to remember

blink 182

from first to last

good charlotte

jimmy eat world

of mice and men

a rocket to the moon

you me at six

American mouth

goo goo dolls

the smiths

my chemical romance

rock mafia




arctic monkeys

the pigeon detectives

Bombay bicycle


falling in reverse

blood on the dance floor

panic! at the disco


some tokio hotel

30 second to mars

some asking Alexandria

green day

motionless in white


the kooks

the killers


fall out boy

the pretty reckless



the who

sum 41

funeral for a friend

rites of spring

hawthorne spring

and loads moreeee

Favourite Films / TV / Books



harry potter


the host

the hunger games

this is 40


so undercover


white house down

about time

this means war/ this is war I can't remember

breakfast at tiffanys


Arthur Christmas

polar express

lord of the rings

friends with benefits

the ward


the guardians

the da vi ci code

I have so many I can't even remember them all I just love films...

tv programmes-


American horror story

pretty little liars

vampire diaries

saving hope



8 out of 10 cats


I think I've missed lots but yep

the book thief


the hunger games

jane eyre

lord of the rings

the fault in our stars

looking for Alaska

to kill a mocking bird

before I die

the shiver series

the immortals series

the secret powers series

perks of being a wallflower

and a lot more because coffee, tumblr, music & books make a perfect day

Education / Occupation

I go to high school, yee


Who I'd Like To Meet

Vic Fuentes

Oliver Sykes

Ed Sheeran

Lana Del Ray

Mila Kunis

Lucy Hale

Nina Dobrev

Kaya Scodelario

Hannah Murray

Hayley Williams

Jennifer Lawrence

Robert Pattinson

Keegan Allen

Ryan Gosling

Liam Hemsworth

Channing Tatum

Josh Hutchinson

Jack Barakat

Alex Gaskarth

Rian Dawson

Zachary Merrick

Jason Lancaster

Jeremy Lenzo

Jake Bundrick

Derek Sanders

Brooks Betts

Alex Garcia

Patrick Stump

Kellin Quinn

Joshua Franceschi

Daniel Flint

Mitch Luker

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- ew; this is me yep yucky

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Nov 28 2013, 11:54 AM
Private entry

Nov 28 2013, 11:54 AM

I have recently been trying my hardest to cope with things but seeing blood gush out of my skin is so appealing to me. I find it fascinating. However I am sincerely ashamed of what I do and I wish I could stop. But it helps. All I long for is to die. For the voices to finally leave me alone. Once upon a time ago blood gushing out of me was enough. Then being in hospital was enough. Then overdosing was enough. Now the only answer is death.

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