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I was dying to find a way to kill time I didn't even get to tell you goodbye I was dying to find a way to kill time (a way to kill time) Now, you're gone and I can't ever say goodbye hand crushed by a mallet, by 100 gecs

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - xJoHnNYxRiNGoX


Emmie Ringo
24 / Female / Philadelphia, United States
Bisexual / In a Relationship
Member since: May 03, 2016
Last online: Sep 24, 2016

Current rating: 9.5/10 (2 votes cast)

About Me

heyy~ my name is emmie but you can call me johnny if you want. c: i'm a 16 year old girl from philadelphia who would kill to move to los angeles. i'm basically floating through life with my headphones on turned up loud trying to block everything out. i play guitar, albeit quite poorly. music is my love. i'm kind of mentally fucked up xD so if you need support with things like depression, bpd, etc, i always have an open ear to listen.
Name :emily
Nick Name :emmie, or johnny. >wo
Birthdate :6.25.00.
Birthplace :philadelphia.
Current Location :also philadelphia..
Eye Color :dark hazel.
Hair Color :blonde, hopefully cyan in the near future.
Height :5'2" / 157 cm. teeny.
Piercings :none but i really want spider bites!!
Tattoos :none, probably forever.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend :vic fuentes.
Overused Phrase :"this is my favorite album of all time." oops. xD
Food :bacon cheeseburgerrr, ouo
Pub/Disc/Restaurant :nifty fifty's.
Number :12.
Color :cherry, but it changes always.
Animal :kittens!
Drink :cherry coke. (noticing a pattern?)
Body Part on Opposite sex :armssss. OuO
Music Album :*unravels 20 foot long list* uhm..
Movie :submarine.
This or That
Pepsi or Coke :coke!
McDonalds or BurgerKing :mcdonalds.
Chocolate or Vanillavanilla. c:
Hot Chocolate or Coffee :C O F F E E. i'm an ADDICTTTT.
Summer or Winter :i live for summer. <3
Love or Money :LOVE.
Bedtime :i don't have one. cx
Most Missed Memory :one certain night i spent cuddling and watching movies with my boyfriend.. <3
Best phyiscal feature :not to brag /. but probably bust.
First Thought Waking Up :"not this shit again."
Ambition :to have a loving partner and kids together..
Fears :not being good enough, being completely alone.
Longest relationship :a little over a year.
Cheated Your Partner :never. ever. ever.
Ever been beaten up :no, thank god.
Ever beaten someone up :NO, THANK GOD. xD (come close.)
Ever Kissed Opposite sex :obviously.
Been Dumped Lately :hahaha.... c':
Favorite Eye Color :pale blue eyes make me weak.
Favorite Hair Color :either black or blue.
Height :no preference. x:
Style :dark, tight clothes, studs, piercings, etc.
Looks or Personality :ALWAYSSS personality.
Hot or Cutecute. <3
Muscular or Really Skinny :super skinny.
What country do you want to Visit :china!
How do you want to Die :self-inflicted. painless. dramatic.
Been to the Mall Lately :i'd live there if i could.
Get along with your Parents :nope. x:
Health Freak :absolutely not. xD
Do you think you're Attractive :noooope.
Believe in Yourself :NOOOOOOPE.
Want to go to College :i don't want to, but i will.
Do you Smoke :can't afford it.
Do you Drink :can't afford this, either.
Shower Daily :obviously, ew.
Been in Love :i think so. c:
Do you Sing :poorly, yeah.
Want to get Married :ABSOLUTELY.
Do you want Children :yes yes yes yes yes!
Hate anyone :just one person, and with a passion, yes.
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Favourite Music

my favorite bands are: a day to remember | attila | beartooth | bring me the horizon | breaking benjamin | chiodos | conquer divide | crown the empire | (early) escape the fate | (early) fall out boy | falling in reverse | frnkiero andthe cellabration | ghost town | motionless in white | my chemical romance | myka relocate | new years day | nirvana | pierce the veil | real friends | (early) sleeping with sirens | taking back sunday.

seen: pierce the veil x2, attila x2, falling in reverse, escape the fate, crown the empire, new years day, myka relocate, ghost town, ice nine kills, i see stars, motionless in white, chunk! no, captain chunk!, light up the sky, out came the wolves, i the mighty, movements, wage war, assuming we survive, ...

i alwayyssss want music reccomendations so please tell me your favorite bands! cx i have a list of bands i need to listen to and it's always growing.

favorite lyrics:

dance on the ambulance, 'cause i would rather spend my life vacations in bed with you like drunken summer kites. ~ pierce the veil.
i have no purpose at all, i'm floating and hoping for something to come break my fall. ~ crown the empire.
have you ever wished you could cut yourself out of your skin? ~ bring me the horizon.
i said i'd never let you go, and i never did. i said i'd never let you fall, and i always meant it. ~ a day to remember.
your cold pale skin and tainted purple lips, let me embrace you with this kiss.. together we will float like angels. ~ chiodos
the only sin in our lives is to not ever have one, so let's sin! ~ motionless in white
i'd end my days with you in a hail of bullets. ~ my chemical romance

Favourite Films / TV / Books

i'm not an avid tv watcher, aside from maybe daria or the rare anime i like, but i do like some films, like submarine, a clockwork orange, suicide room, archie's final project, the virgin suicides, donnie darko, and lolita. c:

i'm pretty fond of perks of being a wallflower, wintergirls, the catcher in the rye, the virgin suicides (again.. cx), perfume: the story of a murderer, and looking for alaska. i really need to read more.. oops..

Education / Occupation

i'm going into 11th grade. i don't really have any career aspirations for when i grow up, cuz mostly what i  want to do in my life is have a loving family.. but i do have an interest in philosophy, writing, journalism, storyboard drawing, and cute kiddies..

Who I'd Like To Meet

my idols are like a type of holy trinity to me.. kurt cobain, the father, gerard way, the son, and vic fuentes, the holy spirit. though i'd love to also meet krist novoselic, dave grohl, and pat smear (nirvana), janel duarte (conquer divide), and fronz (attila).

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Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
May 03 2016, 01:03 PM
Thanks for the add :]
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
May 03 2016, 12:54 PM
Heya xJoHnNYxRiNGoX welcome to soEmo.co.uk Please fill out your profile and add some pics when you get the chance. Even create a journal if you like... Find other members using the Browse feature. View 1000s of emo scene girls and guys pics in the Emo Pictures and Site Models sections. Check out the popular Emo Forums and Emo Chat. Learn all about emo scene music, fashion and lifestyle in the What is Emo section. The site is still in development so if you have any suggestions or problems please email info@soemo.co.uk or check out the help section. -Matt
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- don&#039;t let them in.

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- listening to lots of tbs today. ^-^

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- pigtails. x:

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Jul 30 2016, 03:53 PM
Private entry
Jul 11 2016, 05:26 PM
I guess I need a more adventurous spirit... All this boredom and apathy is driving me to the point of peeling my fucking skin off. Every day of summer is so monotonous and boring, yet every day of school is the same except it's more stressful. I need something, but I don't know what. A vacation? Chocolate? A good movie and someone to cuddle with? Someone come save me and take me to Neverland, please.
May 07 2016, 01:26 PM
Private entry

Jul 30 2016, 03:53 PM

I hate being a hopeless romantic. It seems like all the time, no matter how much I get invested, how much I shower people in affection, they just get tired of me or get bored of me. It makes me so sick. I don't know how to get someone to maintain interest in me once they get to see how awful my personality really is. I don't have much to give but cheesy letters and all my heart, but I guess once people don't have to chase you anymore, they get bored of you.

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Jul 11 2016, 05:26 PM

I guess I need a more adventurous spirit... All this boredom and apathy is driving me to the point of peeling my fucking skin off. Every day of summer is so monotonous and boring, yet every day of school is the same except it's more stressful. I need something, but I don't know what. A vacation? Chocolate? A good movie and someone to cuddle with? Someone come save me and take me to Neverland, please.

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May 07 2016, 01:26 PM

It's strange that when I was a young teenager, I thought high school was about friends, fun, adventures, parties, freedom, new opportunities, and seizing your youth when you still had it. Now, I only have two people I talk to regularly. I've still never even gone to a school dance because they're overpriced and what's the point of being surrounded by people I don't like who don't like me if I can't even dance in the first place. The few friends I have live so far away from me that I'd need a car to see them regularly, and I'm only getting my permit in late June so no license til at least Christmas. I'm a mess who doesn't know how to dress and I'm so often depressed. My body is ruined with acne, scars, fat, splotchiness, and veins. Most people at my school think I'm just that weird person, the one who's completely socially incompetent, awkward, bitter, and stupid. I wish I could go to sleep and wake up as someone smarter, happier, nicer, thinner, prettier, with lots of friends and plenty of time and money to spend time with them. Instead I'm just boring old me, an ugly lazy cynic without any ambitions. Just floating through life and hoping for someone or something to come break my fall.

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