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my heart's never let me down but I still cry 'cause I can't always have it my way and sometimes cryin' can help ya out Written At A Reststop, by Ronnie Day

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - xMariFxckknMassacre


Evelyna Rodriguez
29 / Female / Somewhere in Hell, United States
Bisexual / Engaged
Member since: Dec 30, 2011
Last online: Sep 08, 2012

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

[ R A W R ]

well, what can i say about myself?
16 years of trying to find my place in life.
in these 16 years of breathing i've found
nothing but lies and empty promises.
but i seem to have found a distraction from this temporary world.
music is my lifeline, rock is the air that i breathe.
deep, meaningful lyrics and poetry help me through it all.
being 5'2 it's easy to be forgotten and walked all over.
it isn't easy to reach the stars. but with my feet on the ground,
and my head in the clouds, i know i'll get there some day.
this world is not for me, i've learned that the hard way.
but i believe that some day the world will crash in on itself
and we'll be left with memories of what used to be.
some day we'll find a better place, somewhere beyond compare
to this temporary world....


i love . . .
kisses . rainbows . guitars . music . pink . bows
>skulls . teddy bears . puppies . spiderman
texting . pictures . guns . boys . girls . bracelets
>colors . skirts . blue . glitter . unicorns
bear hugs . internet . candy . black . darkness
>blankets . crayons . flowers . hearts
strawberries . animals . love . hate . books
i . . . . love . . . . you . . . . [ [ ‹3 ] ]

contact me?
- http://marifxckknmassacre.tumblr.com/
- https://twitter.com/#!/xMariMassacre

- https://www.soemo.co.uk/users/xMariFxckknMassacre/

- http://www.youtube.com/user/xMariMassacre666

- http://www.mixpod.com/marifxckknmassacre

- http://www.last.fm/user/xMariMassacre

- add me on facebook? ligerlovespiranha@yahoo.com ;D




Favourite Music

Avenged Sevenfold . Bring me the Horizon . Breathe Carolina . The Used . Slayer . All That Remains . Awolnation . Eyes Set to Kill . Slipknot . Eminem . Atmosphere . Pierce the Veil . Woe is Me . White Rabbits . We Butter the Bread With Butter . Three Days Grace . Breaking Benjamin . System of a Down . Lil Wayne . Suicide Silence . Sick Puppies . Evanescence . Flyleaf . Papa Roach . My Chemical Romance . Metallica . The Medic Droid . Marilyn Manson . Ludo . Five Finger Death Punch . Godsmack . Immortal Technique . Death Cab for Cutie . Disturbed . Cypress Hill . Coheed and Cambria . Chevelle . Bullet for my Valentine . Brokencyde . Attack Attack . Asking Alexandria
and many more . . .

*** Bolded = frequently listened to<3'

Favourite Films / TV / Books

I watch anything I feel like watching;D

The Hunger Games Trilogy:
- The Hunger Games
- Catching Fire
- Mockingjay

The Twilight Series:
- Twilight
- New Moon
- Eclipse
- Breaking Dawn

Education / Occupation

Options for Youth Class of '14
Soon to be whatever the fxckk I wanna be;D

Who I'd Like To Meet

Oliver Scott Sykes - lead singer of Bring Me The Horizon
Andrew Biersack - lead singer of Black Veil Brides
Alexia Rodriguez - lead singer of Eyes Set to Kill
Lacey Mosely - lead singer of Flyleaf
Amy Lynn Lee - lead singer of Evanescence

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Mar 25 2012, 02:56 AM
well tht is y i'm COOLDOOG wait no i then i would be SWEETDOOG and tht wouldnt work :L :P :3 ;) and i love eating people....... I MEEN making people smile ;)
Mar 24 2012, 02:23 PM
just be happy :P :3 ;)
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Dec 30 2011, 03:16 AM
Thanks for the add :]
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Dec 30 2011, 03:15 AM
Heya xMariFxckknMassacre welcome to soEmo.co.uk Please fill out your profile and add some pics when you get the chance. Find other members using the Browse feature. View 1000s of emo scene girls and guys pics in the Emo Pictures section. Check out the popular Emo Forums and NEW Emo Chat. Learn all about emo scene music, fashion and lifestyle in the What is Emo section. The site is still in development so if you have any suggestions or problems please email info@soemo.co.uk or check out the help section. -Matt
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- My son Adam&lt;3&#039;

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- I look like a beeotch;D&lt;3&#039;

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- Slipknott&gt;:D

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- Avenged Sevenfold&lt;3&#039;

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- Anime Me^-^&lt;3&#039;

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- RAWR&lt;3&#039;

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May 03 2012, 02:21 PM
Private entry
Apr 30 2012, 11:08 PM
Private entry
Apr 21 2012, 05:29 PM
Private entry
Apr 13 2012, 08:07 PM
Private entry
Apr 09 2012, 02:50 PM
Whenever I'm alone, lonely and cold, Missing your warm and loving embrace, I think of your smile that warms my heart. But you're not here... My heart aches when you're away. So dependent on your love, I can't catch my breath when you're gone. Then you walk my way, I see your smile, And my heart rushes, trying to catch up to my emotions, Spinning out of control, making me dizzy, Until I rest in your arms once more.
Apr 08 2012, 05:06 PM
Private entry
Mar 24 2012, 02:18 PM
Private entry

May 03 2012, 02:21 PM

Losing friends day by day, and I have no control over it. I have control over the blade that could be slicing my skin, But I have no control over the one who doesn't let me do so... He says no, and if I do, there will be consequences... I need him more than I need a blade, But I need release, and he's not here... Can't even go see him when I please...

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Apr 30 2012, 11:08 PM

I'm sooo confused!!! If he treats me right then I want him, But then, why should I have to wait for that, When there's someone that already seems willing?! . . .

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Apr 21 2012, 05:29 PM

Why do I still hurt for you, when you obviously are never gone, you're never done, not fully... So why does it feel like we're holding on by a piece of thread? Why am I still so attached, but you're slipping? And you don't even care...

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Apr 13 2012, 08:07 PM

Things go wrong, things go right. Everything happens for a reason. And I'm not questioning it anymore.

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Apr 09 2012, 02:50 PM

Whenever I'm alone, lonely and cold, Missing your warm and loving embrace, I think of your smile that warms my heart. But you're not here... My heart aches when you're away. So dependent on your love, I can't catch my breath when you're gone. Then you walk my way, I see your smile, And my heart rushes, trying to catch up to my emotions, Spinning out of control, making me dizzy, Until I rest in your arms once more.

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Apr 08 2012, 05:06 PM

Rivers You taught my heart to love, Then taught my heart to bleed. You taught my heart to harden, numb, My blood to flow, In a red rushing river, Drip, drop, dripping to the ground.

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Mar 24 2012, 02:18 PM

Lately all I've been wanting to do is curl up in a ball and rip my guts out until the life bleeds out of me... Nice way to start off, yes? I hate everything lately. My love puts so much stress on me and I feel like I'm not good enough for him, even though I know sometimes it's the other way around... He says that I should be doing better, even though I'm already doing fine in what I'm doing. I mean, if I'm not failing, that's okay, right? It's not like I'm messing up. I'm just not doing better than everyone else. He seems to want perfection, and I'm nowhere close to that. How do I achieve the impossible? This is what I really want; to get him back, to make him want me enough to take me back... If someone's already more than halfway out the door, does it mean that you're a loser if you just give up? Is that what's meant to be? Or am I supposed to keep pushing harder, trying and trying until I finally reach my goal?... I miss when life was easier; When the most difficult decision was what flavor popsicle I wanted, or what color crayon to color the sky... Today, my sky is gray... All I want to do is get away for a while... Lately I've been in a killing mood. I want to torture someone, let them see how I'm feeling inside... Then maybe SOMEONE will HALF understand me... Come back Micheal, you're hurting us both, bringing unnecessary misery... "Here you are down on your knees again trying to find air to breathe again And only surrender will help you now I love you please see and believe again" -Flyleaf, Again

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