Jade Dawson
27 / Female / ontario, Canada
Not Sure / In a Relationship
Member since:
Oct 01, 2013
Last online:
Nov 22, 2013
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
Hai! >.< My names jade and I started getting interested in this type of alternative style when I was about 10 or 11 when I started listing to BvB and other bands and started watching amberisdead on youtube (now AmberKatlynBleale) The first time I colored my hair I coloured it blue. My favorite colour ive had it so far is Purple . My favorite type of dance is shuffle and yeah ^.^
Favourite Music
My favorite bands are :
Sleeping with sirens, Motionless in white, Black viel Brides,Untill the end, Linkin park, Greenday, Three days grace, Broken cyde, Blood on the dance floor, Bring me the horizon, death cab for cutie, falling in reverse, Icon for Hire, The nearly deads, Alseana, escape the fate, the wanted, Fit for rivals, Holywood undead almost any hardstyle and many more ^.^ <3
Favourite Films / TV / Books
nightmare before Christmas, corpse bride, jennifers body, Dont be afraid of the dark, insidious, All spiderman and batman movies, Hanna, Dark water, Mama ,,,,ANYTHING THAT WILL GET ME SCARED >.<
Entire hunger games series,warrior cats lol>.< , Death note , Naruto, Black butler, Pandora Hearts, Kingdom hearts, Fruits basket, Soul eater, Full metal alchemist and more <3