Morgan Rauch
26 / Female / New York, United States
Straight / Single & Looking
Member since:
Oct 10, 2012
Last online:
Feb 08, 2013
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About Me
I am 13 y3ars old!!!!
I writ3 songs and quot3s <333 I lov3 making n3w fri3nds anyon3, 3v3ryone3, and 3V3RYTHING! <33 I don't judg3 p3opl3 b3caus3 I us3 to g3t pick3d on all the tim3 so what3v3r!!! HAT3RS B3 HATIN'!! My fri3nds call me BOO-B3AR, MORGYBOO, M&M, MOMO, 3ct.... But I don't car3 what I g3t call3d <333
My LIF3 is NOT P3RF3CT and som3time3 I DO HAV3 A BAD DAY!
I g3t d3pr3ss3d som3tim3s so usually it h3lps wh3n I have p3ople to B3 TH3R3 FOR M3!!!
I'v3 b33n told I giv3 GR3AT ADVIC3!!!! <3333
I'm h3r3 for 3v3ryon3 and anyon3 if you n33d m3! <33
Favourite Music
Blood on the Dancefloor, Dope, Fit for Rivals, Black Veil Brides, Evanescence, 3 Dorrs Down, Three Days Grace, Hoobastank, The Fray, Eminem, Flo Rida, Paramore, Slipknot, Lil Wayne, The Lonely Island, The Bloodhound Gang, and Maroon 5... Anything really except country, jazz, blues.... My favorite song is, "Bewitched," By: Blood on the Dancefloor!!!!! <3333
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Family Guy, T33n Wolf, Vampir3 Diari3s, Mak3 it or Br3ak it, 3min3m AKA, Not another t33n movi3, Chucky, Paranormal Activity 2, anything that has action and isn't boring ;D
I don't r3ally r3ad much unl3ss it's som3thing that r3ally catch3s my 3y3. Som3thing lik3 fantisy books.
i wish i could take back everything... you were the reason i stayed alive you were the i kept breathing. everythigs hanged and im wishig i never did anythig to hurt you... im not a perfect person and theres a lot of thigs i wish i didnt do... belive me if i could go back in time and fix everythig i would.. i wanted to be your one and knly and when i wanted to fix the real me you couldnt wait... no guy has waited for me an i was hoping it was gunna be u... i still love u and i miss you sooo much... im always here if you need me and i hope you read this but if you didnt this is for Alex Fogg... and he wa the one that got away.... i shouldve never let him go and i regret my life... everryone makes mistakes bur ko kne makes them as big as mine... i wish he was still mine but unfortantly i couldnt reach out for him i was too scared of reaching out and not frasping anythig... he kept me alive... he saved me... so i will do as he wishes and leave him alone