One track mind, one track heart
If I fail, I'll fall apart
Maybe it is all a test
Cause I feel like I'm the worst
So I always act like I'm the best Oh No!, by Marina & The Diamonds
- - -> KyRa <- - -
86 / Female / ItS a SeCrEt.... ShHhHhH!! :], United States
Straight / Single
Member since:
Feb 01, 2009
Last online:
Feb 14, 2009
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
Ello there... im Kyra... you can either call me " kai kai " or " kiki ".... ( i like kiki better... :D ) LOL well anywayz...Let me tell you a little stuff about me.... I LOVE BOYS LIKE GIRLS!! OF COURSE who doesnt??? :P i know i know we all arent tha same...... Grrrr... WeLL iM tHa tYPe Of gAL whO wiLL..... JUMP ON STRANGERZ BACKS AND SAY "I LOVE YOU" .... LAUGH WHEN IT IS COMPLETLY QUIET..... KID AROUND WITH MY PUPPY.... and my favurite one of all..... SING TO MEYSLEF WEN IM LONELY!!! areNt i one of a kiNd!?!?!? :] LOL [: i LIKE to SMILE.... in PRIVATE because I....... BLUSH LIKEY MANIAC!!! WhOOpZ anotHer ConfeSSion.... :X i know... yer thinking dat im wierd right now.... BUT U KNOW CHU LOVEZ ME!!! :P itz ok i lovez u too!! :D HEheheheHEhheheHEhhehehehehHEHehhehe!!! ok my favurite culurs are.... ooooooooooooo LOL! arent they perdyful???!?!?? :3 btw... I DONT LIKE LABELING MEYSELF!! ALL I KNOW ISH DAT IM KYRA AND I WILL ALWAYZ BE KYRA.. dOi!!! :] im EbrY thIng In bEtWeeN!! [: and one more thing.... MY FABORITE WORD IS... ONOMATOPOEIA!!!! :) i like dat word cause itz funey!! yes i know it means something in english and other nincompoo.... SOOO WAT!!! its still foooney!!!
well ttyl!! message me!!! you know you wantz too!!! COME ON!!!!
( btw im filipino... :D yes but im from america so my speaking is not dat good.... but at least i try... >:O)
Favourite Music
RoCk... I gUeSs... im too lazy to type down all of my favorite music! :]
Panic at the Disco,MCR,Avril Lavigne,Fall Out Boy,Boyz Like Girlz,Paramore,A bullet for my valentine,Metro Station,Slipknot,Papa roach,Three doors down, Pink,Lady GaGa,Hey Monday'z,All american rejects,Three dayz grace,Jason Mraz,Foo fighters,Live,Sum 41,Linkin Park,Katy Perry( LOL ),Nirvana....
Im Brain Dead Right Now.... I will continue LATER!!!
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Heros The interview with a vampire ( LOL!! :] ) The uninvited...
Twilight ( the whole series included ) House Wicked
Education / Occupation
HoW sHoUlD i KNOw.... O.o I go to SchOoL dOi!! :P
Who I'd Like To Meet
I dOnT cArE!!
"You're like an Indian summer
In the middle of winter
Like a HaRd candy
With a surprise center
How do I get better
Once I've had the best
You said there's
Tons of fish in the water
So the waters I will test..."