hushabye baby your almost dead you dont have a pulse and your pillow is red. your family hates you your friends let you bleed sleep tight with a knife cuz its all you need. cutters lullabye, by unknown
Monie Vampire
29 / Female / Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Straight / Married
Member since:
Apr 30, 2009
Last online:
May 06, 2009
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About Me
Isabella "Bella" Swan is thrown an eighteenth birthday party by Edward Cullen, the vampire she loves, and his vampire family. While unwrapping a gift, she receives a paper cut. Jasper, although attempting a non-human diet, is overwhelmed by the scent of blood and tries to attack Bella. In an attempt to keep Bella safe from the world of vampires, Edward leaves the town of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Forks. Bella becomes depressed and seeks comfort with Jacob Black, an old family friend who eases her pain over losing Edward.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Bella and Jacob begin spending a lot of time together, and Bella soon discovers that the rush of adrenaline present when she places herself in dangerous situations stimulates a hallucination of Edward's voice. Bella begins seeking out dangerous behavior, such as motorcycle riding, to keep Edward's voice with her. Meanwhile, Jacob finds out that he is a werewolf. Initially, he tries to keep this secret from Bella, but he eventually reveals as much as he can without betraying his pack. After Bella attempts cliff-diving, she gets caught in a riptide and is rescued by Jacob.
At the same time, Alice Cullen, Edward's vampire sister who has visions of the future, has a vision of Bella jumping off the cliff. Presuming Bella is dead, Alice rushes to Forks to check on Charlie, Bella's father, while Edward calls Bella's home. Jacob answers and informs Edward that Charlie is "at the funeral", referring to that of a man in town who had a heart attack, but Edward draws the conclusion that he means Bella's funeral. Desperate after Bella's supposed death, Edward flees to Italy to see the Volturi, peace-keeping vampires who would be able to kill Edward, granting him leave of a world without Bella.
Bella and Alice rush to Italy to stop Edward, and save him before it is too late. Before they leave Italy, the Volturi tell them that Bella, a human who knows of the existence of vampires, must either be killed or changed into a vampire herself. After they return to Forks, Edward explains to Bella that he only left in order to protect her, and she forgives him. The book ends with the Cullens voting in favor of Bella being changed into a vampire, much to Edward's dismay.
Seventeen-year-old Bella Swan moves to Forks, a small town on Washington state's rugged coast, to live with her father, Charlie, after her mother remarries to a minor league baseball player. She is quickly befriended by many students at her new high school, but she is intrigued by the mysterious and aloof Cullen siblings. Bella sits next to Edward Cullen in biology class on her first day of school; he appears to be disgusted by her, much to Bella's confusion. A few days later, Bella is nearly struck by a van in the school parking lot. Edward inexplicably moves from some feet away and stops the vehicle with his hand. He later refuses to explain this act to Bella and warns her against befriending him.
After much research, Bella eventually discovers that Edward is a vampire, though he only consumes animal blood. The pair fall in love and Edward introduces Bella to his vampire family, Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie. Soon after, three nomadic vampiresJames, Victoria, and Laurentarrive. James, a tracker vampire, is intrigued by Edward's protectiveness over a human and wants to hunt Bella for sport. Edward and his family risk their lives to protect her, but James tracks Bella to Phoenix where she is hiding and lures her into a trap by claiming he is holding her mother hostage. James attacks Bella and bites her wrist, but Edward, along with the other Cullen family members, arrives before he can kill her. James is destroyed, and Edward sucks James's venom from Bella's wrist, preventing her from becoming a vampire. A severely injured Bella is taken to a hospital. Upon returning to Forks, Bella and Edward attend their school prom. While there, Bella expresses her desire to become a vampire, which Edward refuses. The film ends with Victoria secretly watching the pair dancing, plotting revenge for her lover James' murder
The Cullens and the Swans
Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan, a seventeen-year-old girl who moves to the small town of Forks, Washington from Phoenix, Arizona and falls in love with a vampire, Edward Cullen. Her life is put in danger after a sadistic vampire decides to hunt her.[9]
Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen, a 108-year-old vampire who was changed in 1918 and still appears to be seventeen. He is Bella's love interest and has the ability to read minds, with the exception of Bella's, along with superhuman speed and strength.[9][10]
Peter Facinelli as Carlisle Cullen, a compassionate 300-plus-year-old vampire who looks to be in his mid-20s. He serves as the town's physician and is the father figure of the Cullen family.[11]
Jackson Rathbone as Jasper Hale, a member of the Cullen family who can manipulate emotions. He is the newest member of the Cullen family, and thus has the most difficulty maintaining their feeding only on animals rather than humans lifestyle.[12]
Nikki Reed as Rosalie Hale, a Cullen family member described as the most beautiful person in the world. She is incredibly hostile toward Bella throughout the entire film.[13]
Cam Gigandet as James, the leader of a group of nomadic vampires which intends to kill Bella. He is Victoria's mate and a gifted tracker, due to his unparalleled senses.[13]
Rosenberg developed an outline by the end of August, and collaborated with Hardwicke on writing the screenplay during the following month. "[She] was a great sounding board and had all sorts of brilliant ideas.... I'd finish off scenes and send them to her, and get back her notes."[24] Due to the impending WGA strike, Rosenberg worked full-time to finish the screenplay before October 31.[24] In adapting the novel, she "had to condense a great deal." Some characters from the novel were not featured in the screenplay, whereas some characters were combined into others.[25] "[O]ur intent all along was to stay true to the book," Rosenberg explained, "and it has to do less with adapting it word for word and more with making sure the characters' arcs and emotional journeys are the same."[26] Hardwicke suggested the use of voice over to convey the protagonist's internal dialogue[24] since the novel is told from Bella's point of view and she sketched some of the storyboards during pre-production.[27]