Andy Guingab
27 / Male / Pampanga, Philippines
Straight / Single & Looking
Member since:
May 04, 2013
Last online:
May 11, 2013
Current rating: 10.0/10 (1 votes cast)
You have rated xXsUeDeathXx
About Me
Hello im Andy
uhm. Welcome?
Fullname: Ivan Joel Guingab
Nickname: Andy
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Hair color: BLACK
Tall or short: a LIL Tall?
Hobbies: draw,guitar,watch animes
Sweats or Jeans: Jeans
Phone or Camera: Phone
Health freak: 80%
Orange or Apple: both :3
Do you have a crush on someone? I Dont know.
Eat or Drink: Both !!!!
Piercings: Lip Piercing {1}
Pepsi or Coke: Both.
Been in a relationship: Once.
Been in a car accident: Motor Accident.
Been in a fist fight: yep.
First piercing: Ear.
First best friend: Drew
First award: singing contest :D
First crush: i dont believe in crushes.
First word: bitch.
Last person you talked to in person: Jary
Last person you texted: Suzette
Last person you watched a movie with: Me Myself and I
Last food you ate: Bread
Last movie you watched: DeathNote
Last song you listened to: Carapharnelia Pierce The Veil
Last thing you bought: 2 Studded Belts
Last person you hugged: None.
Food: Chocolate
Drinks: Monster Energy and Rockstar Energy Drinks :3
Flower: Black Rose
Animal: Cat
Colors: Black,violet,red,white
Movies: anything that is Bloody,Gore,Gothic or Emo-ish movies.
Subjects: Recess.
(Put an X in the brackets if yes)
[x] in love with someone
[x] had your heart broken
[] had someone question my sexual orientation
[] got pregnant
[] had an abortion
[x] did something I regret
[x] broke a promise
[x] hid a secret
[x] pretended to be happy
[x] met someone who changed your life
[x] pretended to be sick
[x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
[x] cried over the silliest thing
[x] ran a mile
[x] got into an argument with your friends
[x] hated someone
[]x stayed single for 2 years
Eating: nothing
Drinking: Water
Listening: Love the way you lie - a skylit drive
Sitting/Laying: Laying
Plans for today: Listen to music. Surf the net
Waiting: My Emo-Girl.
Want kids? sort off?
Want to get married? Dont know
Career: Band Guitarist
Lips or eyes: Lips
Shorter or taller: shorter
Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic
Hook-up or relationship: Relationship
Looks or personality: Personality and Looks :3
Snuck out of a house: no
Held a gun/knife for self-defense: yes
Killed somebody: No!!!!!!!!!!!
Broken someones heart: No
Been in love: Yes
Yourself: Yes
Miracles: Yep
Love at first sight: no
Heaven: yes
Santa Clause: No
Kiss on the first date: no
Is there one person you want to be with right now: Yes
Do you know who your real friends are: i dont know
Do you believe in God: yeah.
Favourite Music
emo core,emoscreamo,Techno,screamo,Hawthorne Heights,Kids In Glass Houses,Cute Is What We Aim,For,30 Seconds to Mars,Kesha,Katty perry,David guetta,Beni Bennasi,Skrillex,Taking Back Sunday,The Used,Alexisonfire,Blessthefall,So They Say,Silverstein,,Alesana,Bullet for My Valentine,Buried By Tomorrow,Paramore,escape The Fate,All Time LowThe Veronicas,Panic! At The Disco,Suicide Silence,Woe Is basshunter,Death Cab for Cutie,hillsong,,Evanescence,We The Kings,Black Veil Brides,Motionless In White,Brokencyde,Attack Attack!,,Linkin Park,Simple Plan,Yellowcard,Eyes Set To kill,Allstar Weekend,blood on the Dance Floor,Never Shout Never,Medic Droid,Vanila sky,Carter Burwell,Saosin,Scary Kids Scaring Kids,Blink-182,Story of the Year,Hollywood Undead,Aerodone,New Found Glory,Tokio Hotel,A Day To Remember,Failed Flight,Skylit Drive,Mindless Self Indulgence,FM StaticMy,Chemical Romance,Lamb of God,
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Deathnote, Yamato Nadeshiko, Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Detective conan, Saw etc
Cut,Sayonara Piano Sonata