21 / Male / The Grave, United Kingdom
Bisexual / Forever Alone
Member since:
Oct 16, 2020
Last online:
Mar 17, 2025
Current rating: 9.2/10 (17 votes cast)
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About Me
Hellooo! :3 I’m Alfie but everyone usually calls me Wilbur. So feel free! :D
I am emo but I like to explore style a lil more and I definitely need to expand my closet.. so please do talk to me about fashion and music! I love both and I enjoy finding more X3
I try and be active on here but here's my other socials:
Instagram - xXSp1fey_S4uceXx
Snapchat - alfie.connell
Spacehey - xxsp1fey_s4ucexx
Favourite Music
I love anything Rock but especially ALT ROCK ^~^
Some bands i love are:
MCR, PTV, SWS, BVB, FIR, MIW, FOB, MSI, SOAD, Get Scared, The Used and so much more.
One of the easiest things to talk to me about is music so feel free to use it as a starter to talk to me :3
I don't just like Rock/Alt Rock but many many other genres of music too so please feel free to share your music with me and I would happily listen to it :D
Favourite Films / TV / Books
I don't watch that many films.. but i do enjoy them! ^3^
I love the Nightmare Before Christmas and many of Tim Burton's other films especially with Johnny Depp (slight crush but.. shhh)
I enjoy horror films that focus on messing with your head like The Conjuring but I don't watch them often cause i struggle to find ones that really captivate me.
For TV shows I love cartoons and anime! I may be a huge weeb >.<
BUT! I do love The Punisher series and comic book series and movies! :3
Education / Occupation
I am currently at college studying film studies! And sciences. I adore acting and filmography it’s all so awesome and cool! I’d love to be in a band soon because I love playing the guitar :D
Who I'd Like To Meet
My one true love Johnny Depp :3
or anyone from my favourite bands like Gerard Way which would be awesome!! XD