Ima Girl
25 / Female / hahaha u dont wana know»:), United States
Pansexual / It's Complicated with Yours_Truly
Member since:
Oct 02, 2013
Last online:
Dec 04, 2013
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
For all you people, Emo does not mean cut it means emotional.
Well, im sierra and i am very weird and i hate many people. i am very shy at first but then once i warm up i will become someone you will never forget. I am crazy. i am very insecure about myself so please dont talk down to me because i take it seriously. my favorite word is dafuq. I get scared over anything
I have hazel eyes, they mainly turn grey in the winter and brown in the summer,
At the moment i have short black hair it is mainly up in a ponytail because it is to short at the moment and soon i am getting blue tips :)
i have percings, in the ears.
I hate my mom because i have yet seen her since about 3 years ago when i was in the hospital because i was in a accendent. My dad is stupid and i hate him too he left me when i was three years old so i dont really know him. my past is screwed up and i am insecure about it. I protect my friends with all my heart so screw them over or hurt them i will fucking kill your mother fucking ass. anyways if you wana know me just ask or just add me cuz i will talk to you and dont just add me if you are never going to talk to me i fucking hate that. bye, love sierra.and oh i cry over anything like if i drop a poptart on a floor i will seriously cry about it....
This is Sierras friend, Destiny. im going to tell you about Sierra, because I've known her for three years and I know she absolutely sucks at describding herself. Shes beautiful, she jsut doesn't see that she is. Shes amazing, but she also doesn't see that. Shes crazy, loud, in a good way, and someone that you definetly won't fogret. Not to mention shes ab bitch, but you have to love her. Asshole xox <3
Favourite Music
i am a music nerd so i listen to anything that is good.
Andy biersack is a beautiful mother fucker.
Favourite Films / TV / Books
scary movies.
romatic movies, ima girl what can i say
hunger games (the series)
Eternal kiss( best sexual book about vampires and mythical creatures)
Education / Occupation
.....honor roll student......
Who I'd Like To Meet
You know, you and sponge bob, everone please. I like people who give a shit and would actually care about me if you dont fuck off.
im in a steel wall but you keep pounding on the door.. i keep putting locks and more bricks to keep you out but over time i slowly let my walls down... but you take my heart and rip ablivion the ablivion of my soul... so i make a weak wall with the rubble. its so easy to destroy me. so do what you came here to do. blow me to pieces...