And I don't want the world to see me 'cause I don't think that they'd understand; when everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am. Iris, by Goo Goo Dolls
Shannon :3
17 / Female / Manchester, United Kingdom
Member since:
Apr 03, 2020
Last online:
Aug 19, 2020
Current rating: 10.0/10 (1 votes cast)
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About Me
I l1ke r0ck b4ndz n the c0l0ur bl4ck w1th n30n c0l0urs. I I w4nt sum c00l sc3n3/em0 k1dz I c4n b3 fr1endz w1th (13-15). I luv g3t sc4r3d and 1m 2 c00l 4 sk00l.
You can f0ll0w meh 0n here:
I'm m0ar act1ve there LOLZ ^-^
I've als0 g0t wayy m0re inf0 on dere
Favourite Music
I luv r0ck b4ndz n em0 mus1c!
My fav0ur1te b4ndz are:
Get scared
Panic! At the disco
Blood on the dance floor
My chemical romance
Fall out boy
Famous last words
Set it off
Three days grace
Mindless self indulgence
Black veil brides
Mother mother
I h4ve s0 much m0ar but there Iz t00 much xD
Favourite Films / TV / Books
I d0nt rlly w4tch th4t much TV but I luv Rick and M0rty s0 much. Its s0 funny!
Education / Occupation
I'm in h1ghsk00l but I'm 2 k00l 4 sk00l.
Who I'd Like To Meet
I'd luv 2 meet lil peep and da wh0l3 0f g3t sc4r3d..
But m0stly, like I sa1d bef0re, s0me c00l peepz that I c4n be nice friendz with, I d0nt b1te... m0st of the time.. xD