Elizabeth Rael
28 / Female / värmland, Sweden
Straight / Forever Alone
Member since:
Jan 06, 2013
Last online:
Mar 30, 2013
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
Hellu ^^
I'm a sweet chill and a bit crazy girl xD
I might be a little shy in the beginnig....but later u would never think so cx
Talk too me and get toooo know me ;3
I like and don't like a lot of shit :3
I live in sucko sweden but wish i didn't xc
Japan rules !!
Unicorns doo sooo exist x)
Any music don't give a fuck :3
Spooooongeeebooob <3
Uh yea chatt me uppo ;)
Ps.kik,fb,skype and etc...ask me for the shit....and maybe i'll think about it ;o
adiosooo cx
Favourite Music
Anything and everything pretty much :3
Too much too say xD
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Well any horror film : ginger snaps , resident evil, one missed call, the grudge, stakeland,day of the dead, 28 days later ....and so on :3
Comedy and action: cloverfield, batman, starship troopers, pink panther, scary movie, xtreme movie, ...so on
Tv: futurama, family guy, simpsons, american dad, south park, psych, mentalist, criminal minds, america horror story.
I like reading and don't care if it makes me a bookworm cause sure i probally am x3
I read pretty much anything as long as i don't fall asleep or get a headache from reading the book (very shuckish cx)
Soo whatevs...:3
Education / Occupation
In highschool...sucky sucky shit xD
Who I'd Like To Meet
Just someone who acctually wants too talk and is nice :3