My whole life's been waiting
Ever since I can remember
Been anxious awaiting your fall
And don't let me be a long while
Can't let go of my life till I know you're done
Better Off this Way, by A Day To Remember
Neo Tania
27 / Female / Leeds ^-^, United Kingdom
Straight / Forever Alone
Member since:
Oct 28, 2012
Last online:
Jun 14, 2015
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About Me
Firstly, I LOVE ANIME!!
Secondly,I love ICE-CREAM!!! ^-^
*coughs*ahem... ermm..yeah :P Glad I got that out my chest...
Sadly to say...I am socially awkward potato at first,but after stepping out of my igloo.I bet you I can be pretty fun :D haha.
I am an artist,an aspiring singer,mini poet(Why I say mini? Have you seen the amazing poets here?! O.O)...and my favourite anime..hmmm..One Piece and Naruto so far...I'm more of a romance anime fan but I am trying to step out of my bubble;P So enough said, I hope I triggered your interest.Inbox me,I'll pounce on your reply hahaha jkz :P See you x
Favourite Music
MCR (First and foremost,this band kinda saved me and brought rock to me :') )
all time low
asking alexandria
sum 41
green day
black veil brides
MegaDeath (but then again maybe cos of guitar hero)
Avenged Sevenfold
Panic!At the disco (just this one song atm)
Linkin Park
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Many...I prefer youtubing though :)
I don't know...i read manga..lots.