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You misunderstood thrown away from the world Lost a lights in front of you Even without you world goes on You will be fade away by the illusion Keep your eyes ahead of you There's a way Nobody can get in your way Wake up, wake up Don't be Afraid, by Dexcore

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - xxbloodbethdemonxx


Bethy Carter
27 / Female / gosport, United Kingdom
Pansexual / Broken Hearted
Member since: Oct 10, 2014
Last online: May 05, 2015

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

I am a 17 gerenally a happy one, but have means to go into depression at points, its quite a burden to me.
i do more later probably.

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Oct 24 2014, 04:54 AM
telling problems. My problem at the moment is that i feel like i need to hide my self, keep to myself. my friends says it not good, but everyone i open up to seem to just lash it back into my face. they are always like "you can always tell me" but they always end up leaving me, or calling me an attention seeker. like for the past few days my friends being saying okay after my paragraphs and it was getting me annoyed and then i told her it was annoying me. then she said basically whenever she tells me a problem i tell her something worse. before we were talking about our day.. i don't see how that would be a problem, i was just saying about some creepy stalkers i been having. i also did one of those meme when you answer select questions, and it give you a answers like it was a my life is ___% sad meme, and because i scored higher she started to get supicous, okay.. it's a fucking question meme. so now i gotta be careful so don't much up another friendship..

Oct 24 2014, 04:54 AM

telling problems. My problem at the moment is that i feel like i need to hide my self, keep to myself. my friends says it not good, but everyone i open up to seem to just lash it back into my face. they are always like "you can always tell me" but they always end up leaving me, or calling me an attention seeker. like for the past few days my friends being saying okay after my paragraphs and it was getting me annoyed and then i told her it was annoying me. then she said basically whenever she tells me a problem i tell her something worse. before we were talking about our day.. i don't see how that would be a problem, i was just saying about some creepy stalkers i been having. i also did one of those meme when you answer select questions, and it give you a answers like it was a my life is ___% sad meme, and because i scored higher she started to get supicous, okay.. it's a fucking question meme. so now i gotta be careful so don't much up another friendship..

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