Nothing less than red, can't you hear me screaming right at you? Hoping you'll help save me from this monster I've become that wants to watch me bleed, that wants to make me bleed. Less than red, by Collisional Distress
Avery TheDinosaur
25 / Female / Connecticut, United States
Not Sure / Single
Member since:
Jul 30, 2011
Last online:
Nov 19, 2012
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
uhm so im Avery and well uhm..... ik it says ima site model but hunny, those pictures ohmigawd xDD i was a little scene/emo wanna be faggot-y person o-o so im 13 i live in stupid america, CANADA FTW <3 uhm im good at being a human notebook, people telll me everything, just only difference from a notebook is, i actually respond. im funny, weird, nice, thats about it i guess.. I LOVE YOU!! <3 :D
Favourite Music
So, these are just my favorite bands xD
- Alesana
- Artist v.s Poet
- Avenged Sevenfold <3 *-*
- Black Veil Brides (Their older stuff, there newer stuff is shit)
- Breaking Benjamin
- Dear Juliet
- Disturbed
- Drowning Pool
- Evanescence
- Falling In Reverse
- Framing Hanley
- Hollywood Undead
- Lifehouse
- Lights
- The Maine
- Mayday Parade
- Never Shout Never
- Pierce The Veil
- Tool
- The Script
- Secondhand Serenade
- Silverstein
- Skillet
- Sleeping With Sirens
theres WAYYYY more
I listen to rock, screamo, heavy metal, techno, alternitive. anything BUT Country, Pop, Rap ect. <3 c:
Favourite Films / TV / Books
hmm. dunno maybe insidious it was pretty cool :D OH and The Raven :o and the ward. *-* Horror F.T.W.!!
Education / Occupation
Who I'd Like To Meet
someone thats like me. c: that i'd get along with.Someone that can be my best friend, and help me wen i need them. near or far. ^-^ Distance is nothing!! :D i just want someone who i can call my best friend <3333