Sixteen lines of blow and I'm fine
Break my bones, but act as my spine
Wonder who you'll fuck when I die
And if I tried to call, would you cry?
Please don't cry, you're wasting your time
16 lines, by Lil Peep
28 / Female / thame,oxfordshire, United Kingdom
Not Sure / Single
Member since:
Jun 06, 2008
Last online:
Apr 20, 2010
Current rating: 10.0/10 (1 votes cast)
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About Me
hey I'm Esme I'm 12 years old even though it already says i thought id put that down. i like to draw even though i can't! and listen to sucks because it is completely run by chavs so thats bad!I HATE CHAVS SOOO MUCH. :D my friends are the best people in the world at times!! and my family always make fun of me!! so i make fun of em back!! lol i spend most of my time in my room listening to music and people watching out of my window.i like it up there .my dad lives in London and i live with my mum in oxford.its pretty boring where i live at both ends exept my dad lives a bit near Camden so thats cool!! I LOVE CAMDEN MARKET,it rocks!! lol my life seems so boring!!probably because it is!!
people stare - i stare em out, so if i happen to cross you in the street, and you stare, i will stare back. always do! I LIVE FOR REACTIONS!!! so calling me anything will make my life that little bit more good. its the simple things ! lol
i LOVE my skinnies!! and eyeliner and oreos!! lol i read tarot cards, and believe in spirits , but im fine if you don't agree with that. everyone has different views, and i respect that! i would be no where if i didn't think what i thought! so think what you wanna say what you wanna do what you wanna, DO NOT EVER LET PEOPLE MOULD YOU INTO SOMETHING YOUR NOT!!!! <3 my Back - comb brush! lol XD bradley, quit lying, no one likes lyers, your gonna get no where if you carry on like this, weaving this tangled web. Abi you complete babe! you keep me sane and happy!! love you FOREVER and i will NEVER forget you! luke, gimmie a clue! i just dont know anymore ellie, i dont know YOU anymore, youve changed, and not in a good way hugh, LOVE YOU FOREVER AND ALWAYS BABE!! hope it all turns out okay Amy, LOVE YOU MOREER!! lol all those many days and nights! all those good memories i shall cherish forever ash, you complete babe! your the babest babe of all babes! lol and everyone including you kows it!! :P ed, you need to learn to speek more! lol love you all complete babes!!
Favourite Music
ok, this is gonna be hard! my chemical romance, MINDLESS SELF INDULGENCE, iamx, ROBOTS IN DISGUISE, underoath, AC/DC , taking back sunday, kill hannah, OUTERSPACE OVERDOSE, william control, HIM, kiss, ATREYU, apocalypta, PA NIC AT THE DISCO, fall out boy, DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE, hawthorne heights, MARILYN MANSON, green day, FIGHTSTAR, evanescence, BUL LET FOR MY VALENTINE, blink 182, ENTER SHIKARI, bowling for soup, KIDS IN GLASS HOUSES, simple plan, CAGE THE ELEPHANT, cute is what we aim for, GO: AUDIO, lost prophets, DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL, funeral for a friend, the rasmus, PENDULUM, towers of london, THE USED, weezer, SEX PISTOLS, hadouken............. .. it goes on and on even more!!! :D
Favourite Films / TV / Books
don't really watch that much tv ,or many films either!! i like the mighty boosh and never mind the buzzcocks! and films nightmare before Christmas,corpse bride, interview with a vampire just stuff like that really!!! the twilight series,interview with a vampire,Dracula, urm and i cant think of anything else now!! :D.
Education / Occupation
i go to lord williams's school in thame. it sucks-full of chavs. lol