I can't believe that you're gone, when will the pain stop haunting my life and blaming me? I feel too far to tell if I'm dead or alive. Layers of Fear, by DAGames
Amber Martin
33 / Female / Georgia, United States
Member since:
Mar 18, 2011
Last online:
Mar 24, 2011
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
Ohhai, I'm Amber. Hello there. I'm 19, pansexual (which is someone dates people coz they're people, not what's in their pants) I'm in a band. I'm the durmmer/lead vocalist/screamer-all in one. Pretty badass, I know. I love love. Yeah. Did that just blow your mind? Good. I stuff things that bother me down into a bottle and don't voice them. A Coke bottle, to be exact. Add me and we can be besties forever <33 I'll meat you at the end of the double-ended rainbow. Kbai.
Favourite Music
Blessthefall, The Devil Wears Prada, Family Force 5, Aiden, Skillet, Brokencyde, Dot Dot Curve, Bring Me The Horizon, Pierce The Veil, Black Veil Brides, A Rocket To The Moon, Jamestown Story, The Spill Canvas, 3OH!3, Alesana, Asking Alexandria, Emarosa, In Fear and Faith, Dear Elizabeth, Fall Out Boy, Cee Lo Green, I Set My Friends On Fire, Alexisonfire, Eminem, Eyes Set To Kill, H.I.M, Madina Lake, Senses Fail, Nevershoutnever, Nickasaur, Miss May I, Hey Monday, Forever The Sickest Kids, From First To Last, Kesha, Mayday Parade, Papa Roach, Seasons After, Suicide Silence, Plain White T's, Snoop Dogg, Story Of The Year, The Ready Set, The Used, Panic At The Disco, Versaemerge.
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Bleh..I don't watch alot of TV, but when I do it's as followed:
Adventure Time, The Regular Show, Spongebob, The Fairly Odd Parents, Degrassi, Halloween(2007 version) The Nightmare On Elm Street Series, and Chowder.
I read fantasy kind of stuff--like vampires, werewolves and zombies. (Specifically Laurell K. Hamilton and her Anita Blake series)