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I know all I need to know by the way that I got kissed I was cryin' when I met you Cryin', by Aerosmith

Emo Song Lyrics - Eyes Set To Kill (Add More Emo Lyrics)

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  • "To kiss my lips will leave you cold tonight. [You'll need my blood,] And I'll devote my life. Come fly to me. I'll show you what it's like. [When the full moon shines,] We'll stop hearts together."
    Violent Kiss, by Eyes Set To Kill
  • "Mind set on failure, The road you chose, Told me you loved me, Told me no."
    Darling, by Eyes Set To Kill
  • "What got me into this mess that devoured me, Lies and deceitful actions keep promising, What got me into this mess that devoured me, Darling don't Lie, You can't stop lying. "
    Darling, by Eyes Set To Kill
  • "Take your time I’m only dying Patiently i kneel here dying Curse the blind you curse the blind Deep inside is where it lies"
    Darling, by Eyes Set To Kill
  • "Take your time I’m only dying Patiently i kneel here dying Curse the blind"
    Darling, by Eyes Set To Kill
  • "Sip my blood till there's no blood left to spill From my neck embraced by a concealed grip I welcomed in my arms Bruised by your love Burned by your kiss Is this true love? Bruised by your love Burned by your kiss"
    Young Blood Spills Tonight, by Eyes Set To Kill
  • "I want to give you everything I'll give you my all Because you gave me, you gave me your lips a gentle kiss The medicine to cure my pain"
    I give you all my all, by Eyes Set To Kill

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