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But I'm not a slave to a god That doesn't exist. But I'm not a slave to a world That doesn't give a shit. The Fight Song, by Marilyn Manson

Emo Song Lyrics - Shot Dead Raul (Add More Emo Lyrics)

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  • "I know some poison you could drink I often tought, you might taste it BUT MOTHER BOUGHT IT for the sink and drinking it would waste it!!!"
    Sudden act of killing life, by Shot Dead Raul
  • "That was I you heard last night when there's no moon at all (Nor the pierced the strained and tight) When there's no moon tonight Life was dead and so was light "
    That was I, by Shot Dead Raul
  • "I kill myself in every gasp of air you brought to me so don't breath 'cuz i'll die on YOU!!!! "
    Dvine tradgedy, by Shot Dead Raul

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